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Big Meat

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Everything posted by Big Meat

  1. Youre irrelevant bro, backstabbed the fam to join the winning side and now they losing lel i wonder how long till u go join aao
  2. you never led a clan lmao and we won a prep so we did open, get your elite rank in cd yet? seeing they been slumping since u joined
  3. Unban my nigga Hassan from Sharkbrew loll I told him to chill with the language

  4. how you gonna cut the video and post the vid on the vid post? l0l gosh your clan makes lpc cancer.. and if u continue bringing runers, next week i will bring 50 zerks i promise you that.
  5. HOW DOES THIS [R] [E] [D] [M] [E] [A] [T] TASTE? l0l thanks for playing Poop, Bv wins again. #BloodyGang
  6. Hpc is cancer, if you want a successful clan you gotta create a clan out from lpc and spend a good 3 months in lpc get like a 40 member core and like 30-40 +1's for pkris n such.. then mpc.. then stay mpc.. hpc is whack.
  7. i thought yall were bouta freestyle man
  8. LOOOOOOOL keep teaming with chaos and snipe units ahahahaah yall pulled 19 last week brown sticky stuff clan.
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