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Diamond Era

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    Red Giant

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  1. yikes is it really true fo had 80 supremacy in their capes at the end and still ran away from only EoP? very convincing video's show Fo running south do ditch EoP remaining in multi...
  2. it's very true we won the rivarly their our punching bag every sat sun we dont rlly care anymore
  3. whahahah good doggie @RUTHLESS no pipe up again LOL
  4. @RUTHLESS ??? for why fo run with capes off no sound like winner to me :/
  5. @RUTHLESS i agree eop rlly did win shame fo ran and logged with capes off :/ dnt sound like winner clan 2 me
  6. another easy weekend its a shame fo cudnt last again lmfao
  7. Big coin to be made this weekend by PMing Jack#8480 on Discord to leak

  8. Fo cheer EoP on to another victory!

  9. I heard Final Outburst tried to mass but gave up and broke. @Jamz run as warlord is a L's so far
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