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Eruption of Barbers 3-0 Ponytails

J Styles

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Akahana etc lol. I just congratulated your clan what are you crying for? You guys lost to a closed clan, worry about that if anything.

Akahana applied 3 days ago. I'd love to hear who the "etc" are. Generally if someone says etc after naming 1 person you can tell they're full of brown sticky stuff though.


If you really want to bring that up, you lost 4 times in a row to a clan that lost to a closed clan. ???


Anyways, team foe is better competition than any other clan open. I'd rather lose to them than have an easy win again like this one.

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The funniest thing about Erik's fail on the last page isn't that Akahana isn't even an invite, it's the fact that he tried to use an excuse that 1 person in 45 is the reason they lost LOL.

I know for a fact that your clan brought the best they've got to win this one, and you did. You deserved your win, what else do I need to say bruh?

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