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Everything posted by Gertrude

  1. I will be there to watch the sun set on cookies and nox's clan, wondering why they got involved with a clan that protects rev caves for 14 cents per hour 2 weeks before revs are removed. I will be wearing overalls with an afro wig.
  2. This is all of your weekends now, Zenith members should just save themselves a few months of this and join different clans while their clan is turned sickly 1 weekend at a time.
  3. If you think you're going to be let off the hook without your pulls being halved, or a 10B payment you are mistaken. Don't care how much you beg for off.
  4. got mind controlled by nox into killing his clan, 1 week at a time
  5. Week 3 - Apex is still complicit with the orders barked at them by rot. Still no fights, still banned from pure Saturday & Sunday. Zenith is still complicit with the orders barked at them by rot. Still no fights, still banned from pure Saturday & Sunday.
  6. GZ on joining the list of rot slaves that get treated like rot slaves.
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