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Posts posted by R10

  1. Serious question, why do people clan or w.e on RSPS instead of the real thing? If it was a Pre-Eoc server or something I would understand

    rs is just pointless, look at the rs scene full of mains.... and honestly some pple cbf to spend irl $ to max an acc or just waste time grinding... rsps is just instant action.

    1- you can reset defence so there isnt any excuse to bring mains

    2- owner of alora is working on a 1 defence world when playerbase grow even more, that will prevent cancer kids bringing mains

    3- clanwars fully working

    4- for the pple that want the feeling of playing real rs the server is still a bit hard, and u gotta grind for stuff but ofc way less than real rs.


    with that being said, server is pretty much perfect for the pure scene. ;) 

  2. i think that its a never-ending cycle see:

    1 ppl willing to play pures and have fun with their clans and a solid pure community

    2 sore losers and weaker clans try to get an edge to be able to compete with the rest: train defence, pray, att up to whatever numbers they feel necessary

    3 in order to keep up with the rest, lasting pure clans decide to update their reqs and train other stats up as well

    4 sore losers and weaker clans decide it's time for a new tactic in order to compete: bring mains and give fight locs to other main clans

    5 ppl start complaining that community is cancer, there is willingness to change

    6 changes are applied and things look promising

    7 back to step 1


    (why pple still making this topics?) how can they not understand this ^^^^^^^^^^^^ no matter how many times u go 1 def pure it will always end in a 30+

    the only way to make this happen is if runescape puts a RESET DEFENCE option and 1 DEFENCE WORLD

     why ? because there are 3 types of players 1) fked up his acc got defence and cbf making new acc 2) gets defence just to have advantage over others = cancer 3)pple that are always down to stay 1 defence no matter what.....with reset u make players 1) able to play and 1 defence world disable the 2) cancers ending with every1 being a player 3)


    and that will never happen, thats why i play rsps... fuck rs.

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