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Posts posted by Fantasy

  1. it had a point. an i repeat that it got hitlered. im done with these nazis. i may be back to this fucked up community or i may not. i dont expect to last long if i do stick around, its fucken canerious. everyone so scared of me or my clan not sure which. all i get is no fight but all flight, grow up , have some balls all of you anti's. maybe somone new is around to disrupt your 30 def spreading culture you pledge all day. "o no we better ban him quick he speaks truth that we aint pures" aww crymore wah wah wah yea pathetic

  2. How can you still be complaining lol, this comment basically sums up everyone's thoughts toward your topic

    still no envy posts hmm?


    adjective: irrelevant
    1. not connected with or relevant to something.
      "an irrelevant comment"
      synonyms: beside the point, not to the point, immaterial, not pertinent, not germane, off the subject, neither here nor there, unconnected, unrelated, peripheral, tangential, extraneous, inapposite, inapt, inapplicable; More
  3. it had a point. an i repeat that it got hitlered. im done with these nazis. i may be back to this fucked up community or i may not. i dont expect to last long if i do stick around, its fucken canerious. everyone so scared of me or my clan not sure which. all i get is no fight but all flight, grow up , have some balls all of you anti's. maybe somone new is around to disrupt your 30 def spreading culture you pledge all day. "o no we better ban him quick he speaks truth that we aint pures" aww crymore wah wah wah yea pathetic

  4. @@Fantasy just post a new one when you have all the information you need so it won't be closed again

    wheres the fun in that? fuckn downbuzz community. have some freakn heart. i dont even care bout the post right now. im just tryna proove a point know. i dont suck anyones penis's and if thats what the nazis expect i wont do it sorry mate.

  5. it's not an aftermath topic

    move it then, like "proper" mod would do


    adjective: proper
    1. 1.
      denoting something that is truly what it is said or regarded to be; genuine.
      "she's never had a proper job"
      synonyms: real, genuine, actual, true, bona fide;
      "Dan hadn't had a proper job for over ten years"
    2. 2.
      of the required or correct type or form; suitable or appropriate.
      "an artist needs the proper tools"
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