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Don Ace Andy

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Posts posted by Don Ace Andy

  1. 4 things:


    1. We have Sam talking about our own clan members not changing their IPs. You're clueless.

    2. Allen called 2 rounds after our main caller got hit off. If that's your biggest banter then I feel bad for your clan.

    3. Please name whoever our Sv invites are because I have no idea what you're talking about. I'll apologize if you can name any names.

    4. Ty4prep, we'll look forward to seeing you this weekend.

    I guess we smacked them so hard they lost brain cells..

  2. (17:53:41) <@mom> they dont evne change their ips

    (17:53:43) <@mom> before preps

    (17:53:43) <@mom> .0


    (17:54:29) <@mom> grayson

    (17:54:30)<@mom> takes over

    (17:54:32) <@mom> and ****s us over


    4 things:


    Proves that Doom still is, and always will be a group of inbred retards who can't handle themselves without some sort of advantage over the other team.

    You had Sv invites to pull to your 35 average.

    & You have this guy who clearly says that "they", meaning Endurance, don't change their IP before preps.

    Where's the proof that Scott hit anyone off?


    Case in point: You guys embarrassed yourselves by not being able to pull 35 members of your own clan to a prep, called another clan to help you, clearly hit players off on our team as per evidence shows (otherwise, why would he say "they dont change their IPs before preps"??), & whoever Grayson is is a 1 bang and your team doubts him more than Allen doubts your clan after he called for you. Allen said it himself, and so did half your clan - only reason you guys even stood a chance is because Allen carried. What makes you think that any of your brown sticky stuffty callers could have danyway?

    Do I have to really finish and end your foolish wild claims?


    First things first, that was a chat.. That was a troll.., if you actually knew how to read.. Assuming you do ofcourse you would be able to clearly see the posts above acknowledging that this is indeed a troll..


    We have evidence of us getting hit off, do you? Your clan leader is a known ddoser and is very proud to state it.. So please don't come here talking nonsense..


    35 person pull.. Okay mid week prep, 40 average.. And you pulled the same? But we still beat you 2-1?


    Okokok funniest of them all, SV members? What are you eating to make you this dellusional and disfunctional that you actually had the cheek to say something like that, first things first your clan has been begging dooms members and also you aqquired NP along with your DDosing scandals, so please don't say anything else.. Its just embarrassing.



  3. All i gotta say:









    @@Grayson we told half our ppl not to come cuz we didnt think u would bring NRG l0l



    So what are you exactly? Endurance + Doom + NP + DDoSers...?


    Oh wait you ddosed all our callers the first round and we still shat on you 2-1..



    Using that excuse after numerous ammount of accusations of our pull count and slump.. Just sounds like another ari excuse to me..



    Look at the state of this guy trying to make a point..:


    Claims he was a rank in zenith and barely made it to advanced member..(pretty proud of this wasn't you ari?) everywhere he posted was about how much he loves off ryan, zenith and doom..


    Gets kicked from doom and demoted from doom x2


    Begs olympus...


    Gets kicked from doom again..


    Flames ryan, doom and zenith..


    = a nobody, trying to be clever but all he cares about is his iron man and his cauliflower 'revolution' that he already has lost before it has become...



    Oh wait did I forget him and scott claiming to lead their own clan but didn't even lead the prep today?


    In B4 ari gets kicked and demoted once again.

  4. MMaZIe6.png


    confirmed doom ddoses

    Well just to clarify, you really have no clue do you.. Just because someone makes a threat, doesn't mean they do it? Or does it mean one members behaviour mean thats the clans ethic? As I am telling you, Doom and its leaders are totally against DDoSing, threats don't mean nothing, just because you threaten to punch someone over the internet doesn't mean you will do it or anyone is to blame for that..


    I can totally assure you that doom is against of any sort of ddosing.


    for the contrary: our members got heated for the way our leaders got DDoSed first round.. So empty threats where made.. Hell I even said it because we was that disgusted..


    -please don't screen shot and say anything when you really have no clue, gain some intellect please, society is already struggling with people like you.

  5. The ones who only care about their own self righteous gain, will never persevere.. Loyalty and commitment will succeed far more than selfishness and greed.. Well if you don't believe me or agree.. Ask hitler.. Oh wait, it didn't quite work out for him did it.. or north korea, lying to their people so they can't advance for the sake of propaganda, reminds me a bit of CD and ENDURANCE.. Shame on you



  6. Was a fun prep



    looking forward to weekend



    and also 57 to 37???





    40 was an average mid week pull for us.. Kind of disapointed by your accusations of supposedly stealing 30 of our members... But you you pulled 38?.. So long for the 80 pull you lot have been ranting on about..

  7. What are you going to do next? Get smashed by endurance, pussy out of a round 3, skip pcl, have a weak pull saturday relying on sv, then not even go out sunday?? Stay bad kid


    See what I mean.. XL actually have a brain and I respect them for that..

  8. they used to pull 30+ to preps, sometimes 40.


    As I am sure and fully aware you're capable of reading.. It was an 80 CB cap.. And a mid week prep...


    Good job, XL very impressed ans very respectable, you will go far if you don't adopt the attitude of no brain cell clans like CD, ENDURANCE.. Etc.

  9. Doom+NRG?


    So what are you exactly? Endurance + Doom + NP + DDoSers...?


    Oh wait you ddosed all our callers the first round and we still shat on you 2-1..



    Using that excuse after numerous ammount of accusations of our pull count and slump.. Just sounds like another broccolied ari excuse to me..

  10. The fact of the matter is we did lose members this week, and i believe we will be fine...but i meam only Friday, Saturday and Sunday will actully comfirm or deny....so how about we all just wait and see instead of making things up?

    When I get on ts ill tell you whats really happening and how cauliflower they're LOOL

  11. 30*

    I Don't know where you learnt your maths or what members lied to you but we experienced a 4 member loss including you and scott, which you where demoted and kicked anyways... And the other 3 was already removed from the clan due to them being hacked as mains..


    Also NP left.. And took a few members.. 30 members kid you having a laugh? We had around 28 today at our mid week 80 combat cap prep against XL.. props to XL actually a respectable clan to be honest..


    Ari you did us a favour, now we're going to close you and your level 60 clan, excited to see that '80 man' pull you're talking about this weekend.. Most likely you closing yourself as you warlord LOL



    And if doom is so bad and you're better of without us then why are you begging nearly all our members to join you LOL

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