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We D0 K0

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Posts posted by We D0 K0

  1. TLDR


    So essentially you got rejected out of your own clan, a clan that has been at the bottom of the barrel for it's entire existence out maneuvered you.


    Do you know what that makes you?


    Brotip: Not someone who makes others feel cauliflower.


    Please refrain from answering with a detailed history, nobody gives a brown sticky stuff

  2. Your strong aptitude for denial is amazing. Your ranks must be REALLY good. You're like the equivalent of a prison bitch convincing himself he's really a woman because bubba told him so.


    The real question is who the fuck are you?


    You're using prison analogies and pick your alias after a person you perceive as "hard as fuck" while in reality you're the ex-leader of one of the brown sticky stufftiest clans of all time and they won't even recognize you for it.


    On the topic of denial  :rolleyes:

  3. What he says is true lol. RD has a history for brainwashing their members, then fucking them the second they feel it suits them. Watch your back little piggy.


    You forgot to mention a few things like all the mains, teaming, ddosing, mass recruiting and getting r0flch0pperk0d all day long by Zu!


    Also every fake account is sithlord unless/untill proven to be someone else


    Lolfi, gjeop, r0flch0pperzu

  4. It's simply to get the conversation flowing in hopes that clans will step their game up and seek to be respected and acknowledge appropriately for their efforts and success in the Wilderness where we only see that really happening in Clan Wars.



    Is it? Or is it just to brag about Cps new achievements? 


    Also topics like those won't promote the idea of climbing to the top, it'll just help clans sink deeper into the top 2 clan rivalry. Why compare how good the top 4 clans are in comparison to the other top 4 clans instead of EoP? Because the top 4 clans are in fact worse than EoP at the moment, internally tho, it's impossible to tell which clan is top 2 leading to brown sticky stuffstormflamewars about how good they are in comparison to each other instead of how bad they are in comparison to EoP. These clans need to focus on themselves in comparison to EoP to figure out how to climb to the top.


    So you can take the achievements of your new clan and put them in the same corner where your dead brown sticky stuffs clans rest.

  5. You didn't make an aftermath topic yesterday, I think it's fair to make lists based of clans who have proven to have solid,action packed weekend trips



    read the topic 


    I did read it, the other half of my post got lost due to a problem between my chair and keyboard but I'll try again.


    I'm not saying mentioned clans are equal, but they switch positions with each other often enough to not be worth rewriting the list every week. Because what's interesting here is which clan will eventually climb up and take on EoP, rather than which clan is running the rat race. 


    Because even if you win the rat race, you're still a rat


    EoP will be the first pure clan to reach 10 years in September 2015 assuming we don't close before then.


    If you consider the amount of time spent open with events it's one of the oldest gaming teams/clans/guilds ever.


    In 2016(jonty count please? :) ) you'll be able to tell 10 year old kids that you've been competing since before they were born, both in date and amount of time :D

  7. Well hopefully 13th reopens MM and tells korrawi/speshls and rest of the ranks to re-apply :)


    dumbest thing ive ever heard


    It isn't about the effort, it's about the honour.

    The fact that ranks like pibb/xgot etrc ran the clan for years and are told to reapply will really hurt them alot


    People change over the years and it's not always for the better. Unless Soron has kept contact with them IRL he has no clue what they're like today, myself I'd rather play it safe than risking bringing in people corrupted by the community.


    What I don't know if he's alienating them, is he asking them to reapply for rank back or reapply for member and work their way up? If it's the latter I see where ya'll are coming from :P

  8. 1 win does not make them better than us, we could win the next 2 preps vs them if given the chance..who knows..


    Rd #1 greatest clan of all time. 


    If we were given the chance to go back in time to 2001 and start there it could happen, who knows...


    Or we could just accept the fact that currently, Foe are probably better than Eop at f2p and Rd isn't the greatest clan of all time because it isn't what could have happened that counts, it's what did that does.

  9. If the oldschool clans are so good, why do they have to compete with the newer ones? How do the newer clans even survive if these oldschool clans are so good?


    Ever considered the fact that some of these newer clans maybe has what it takes to compete?


    But who would expect that to cross the mind of someone with flawed logic, broken grammars and a head bigger than a overgrown watermelon? 


    Nobody here knows your name because they don't have a reason to, so go back to being lost in history where retards like you belong.

  10. i don't see TLP going anywhere as Soron has basically kicked all ex-tlp ranks in the teeth and just gave em the finger


    telling warlords/high councils & leaders to re-apply?


    If I were to reopen a clan that had been dead that long I would do the same. If reapplying is to much effort for someone who has spent countless hours having fun and playing for said clan maybe it's for the best if they didn't get auto ranked.


    It might hurt them short term, but in the long run getting rid of the people who don't really give a fuck is only going to help them. 


    I hope they do well, can't wait to find out what clanning will be like after Foe and Tlp reopens :D

  11. Your a fake account wtf u talking about.

    Show yourself pussy.

    Stop hiding.






    I'm pretty sure he's a very real person posting from a fake account.


    Or has sithlord been a lie all along and the only thing real about him is the accounts he never made?



  12. The majority of it is biased obviously, so is every single response. But there are some true things in there that you can't hide from :/


    Would you mind pointing some of these truths out? You go ahead and do that and I'll be nice enough to point out some of the obvious flaws with those truths.


    You still get an A for effort :)

  13. Shame that some clans can't accept the truth when its unbiased and right there in front of them :P


    Everyone perceives things differently, even if you and I were looking at the same thing from the exact same position at the same time we would form our own understanding of what we're looking at. 


    The fact that you find this topic to be entirely true and unbiased doesn't tell me anything about the subject but quite a lot about the author if you catch my drift ;)

  14. Rd haven't really changed, we still DDoS everybody, team with mains, team with pures, lie to our members, lose, make excuses with grammatical errors and grow epic hair in the process.


    If you've got a problem with that pay Parm to leak my IRL or something(he's real cheap).



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