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skoma xd

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Everything posted by skoma xd

  1. You can but on rs3 skilling isn't very profitable if at all, which requires another source of income, ie: pvm/slayer/rwt. Skilling is definitely more fun on here, it's not that it's easier, it's just that tasks are a lot more automated rather than having to use mousekeys like 07 etc.
  2. It is a game which requires you to spend a comprehensive amount of time to get to the point where you can begin having fun. Pking on there known as warbands is extremely competitive however if you're very mechanically good w/keyboard you're able to counter every thing and it becomes very difficult to compete w/other professionals. Obv there are levels of pking on there. There are your tomatos, your decent ppl and your pro's, only maybe... 10-15 pro's. As for high lvl pvm, that requires a lot of effort to get into and requires more time and patience as well as money to get professional at. It's taken me about 8 months of pvming w/record setters and I'm still far from being able to set my own records. If you can't play at least 6 hrs a day it's not worth trying rs3.
  3. No I actually looked for the roast beef sandwich on the menu thingy because normally I get coldcut (never again) but my mom got me a roast beef one and I've been a fan ever since. To answer your question simply; I really wanted my roast beef sandwich.
  4. Yes it was neat to see someone other than my mom in 1 month. I held the door for a cute girl too.
  5. I went to Subway and got a foot long roast beef on italian herb and cheese bread, it had 7 pieces of white cheese, a little bit of lettuce, 6 tomato, 12 cucumber, mustard, mayo & salt n pepper all toasted.Then I walked across the street and got a Tim horton's triple triple coffee (3 cream 3 sugar).
  6. Just left my house for the first time in 1 month. Ask me anything
  7. Hello https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Svdh7ZT_Fqw
  8. Holes Once everyday at 11 pm. Well 0 irl, but I have 4-5 ed8's on RS3 Girls don't come over because I just got out of a relationship. Kitten sophie
  9. About 12 times 2 days at max I don't have blisters Forrest Gump/30 days of night
  10. Haven't left my house in exactly 1 month. Ask me anything
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