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Posts posted by Kaz

  1. Nah kaz xlpc is 45-70

    you might wanna think again, idk why all these ppl think 70cb is xLPC, doesn't even have logic Laere. 


    ^nah 70cb is not xLPC. Official xLPC bracket is <60 1-5def. Anyone says otherwise hasn't been updated lmfao. Check it homie before you label your clan something it's not. You're LPC bruh.

  2. Ah ok,


    We are 60-70 cb atm

    That falls in the LPC scene[>60cb w/1-5def]. xLPC is <60 w/1-5def. 

    Nice tho fam. Most of the best clans in LPC's are high tier 80s+ upwards to close to 90ish cb. You should prob train up to master that LPC bracket. There's not much for a MPC/HPC anymore [pretty sure nothing that would matter anyways].  ;)

  3. pic is a random massing clan 


    but gj on the win

    no they're not actually. they have ts3, forums, and everything just like we do and the rest of the xLPC scene guys you see listed above. only difference is it's 45-55ish combat, hense it's the xLPC. Works the same as any other scene, just lower level combats. Thanks for that congrats tho fam. <3


    P.S: PiC had higher cb advantage during the mini and still got demoralized! Lmfaooo  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

  4. Special shout-out to PiC for asking us for a mini before we are even officially open and then losing 2-0 and not wanting a 3rd round. 2ez. Lmfaoo 


    Join Clan Hate!

    "ts.clan-hate.com" <- Ts3 Server Address

    "H8 Clan" <- Clan Chat

    =-=-= Team 47 Cape =-=-=

    FORUMS HERE! <- Click for forums! Throw in an intro. <3

    xLPC currently 45+ combat aiming 50! Join in on the fun boys!  B)

  5. yy3d7Zc.png





    Clan Hate peaked at 14 for this Unofficial Saturday May 27, 2017 F2P PKing Trip. We found our first hit out pretty deep, around level 40. We hit DP w/ them defending w/ 10, down an opt we had 9. We didn't care! We held our ground, found our piles, and cleared out DP! Next we had our scouts out and found Cazadorrrr & PiC beginning to fight @ Sperm Hill. We knew we had to get a hit out on PiC, we crashed their fight focusing directly on PiC as earlier we was trying to get them to fight us and they never showed [pic below] - PiC was SHOOKED!


    Lmfao, at this point we just cleared anything left on sperm including Cazadorrrr although they were NOT our focus! Moving along, PiC was found down at Chaos Altar on our scouts. We decided to hit them, although we quickly learned it's hard to kill level 50's who already have OVHDS at such low combat, although the fight was definitely a good one! Lmfaooo. We teled out after holding our grounds for a bit although we still had some otps left. We ended our trip, into what moved onto clan wars after PiC asked for a Clan Wars Mini event against us. We accepted gladly! 

    Clan Hate's 1st Unofficial Mini in 3 Years!

    Won 2-0. Another topic will be posted regarding the mini.



    | Forums | ts.Clan-Hate.com | #Hate | 'H8 Clan' CC |




    @Kaz's PoV

  6. Fo so quiet.. CD got cleared 1v1..

    Wait, EOP is a pure clan? Are we sure about that?

    Sticking to their roots from HPC, still using mains. LOOOOL

    neck yourselves.


    Shoutout to Slumptality - "Fuck You" and your clan. lmfaooo, EOP = clowns

    P.S: EOP ended right when FOE had equal opts. Lmfaooo

    39 def is pure bro


    thats not a main tho lmfao and its not ours

    HPC's aren't around anymore. He's in your team 50 cape smart kid. See FOE vs. EOP north? Don't play cauliflower, joke yourself, not your entire clan. Still sticking to using mains. LOOOOL


    EOP = "LPC"

    FOE = "LPC"

    Does EOP know what an LPC is? Or do they still think they're HPC? 

    Nahhh, EOP are clowns. They're not even a pure clan, they're a wannabe main clan lmfaoooo

  7. According to:



    You are allowed to dispute event aftermath topics if you're an ambassador. If I was an ambassador of my clan (Redemption). I'd totally do this to AAO, because they are literally a main clan and bring 40+ def mains. Can clearly see evidence in vids + pics of our F2P PK Trip on Saturday (April 1, 2017). I'd love for this main clan not to be able to post in pure section. If any RD ranks see this post. Keep this in mind, and actually do it. Good ridden AAO.


    Redemption's Saturday Topic: 



    AAO's Saturday Topic: 



    ^Look at both topics, you can clearly see who actually won, and you can also clearly see in vids + pics that AAO is a main clan. Lmfao.


    Must feel bad losing to a REAL PURE CLAN even when bringing mains. AAO is literally a brown sticky stuff clan. #Feelsbadman




    "RD Public" Clan Chat


    TS3 Server: "ts.clan-rd.com"

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