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Kurt Angle

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Posts posted by Kurt Angle

  1. An IP address check would quickly disprove that theory.  The IR family is aware of what's going on here.

    I would actually roll on the floor and start laughing if you told all of IR on your FaceBook group what is going on in the pure community and how much it sickens you. Quite frankly instead of making a long topic you should either 1) open a clan and do something about it, activity is always good or 2) Not let a game you don't play bother you.

  2. I don't care.  Also, I'd rather have been relevant once than not at all :/.


    Spot on.  I need to know you and your refreshingly intelligent thoughts - who dis?

    Considering you're making multiple accounts and talking to yourself; it doesn't seem you've ever been relevant, especially compared to an Olympic gold medalist like myself.

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