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Official Duke

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Posts posted by Official Duke

  1. Lmfao listen to yourself.

    'Looking forward to a prep that is organised properly'

    Kid you had your clan massed up and asked us for a prep we massed 25 random people and still gave you the 3-0 dick

    We wasn't even taking it serious and you still got shat on, like the last 5 preps we slapped you in.

    When will you understand that your clan has no quality

    Well your randoms beat our randoms. Cool.


    I want core vs core. If we still lose after all that I don't know what to say haha

  2. 75 if clans want a higher cb cap make an mpc scene lmfao

    Holy fuck we actually agree on something.

    LPC should remain at lower levels. If you want to use maxed accounts (50-60+atk), go and join an HPC. This is the same argument that arose last time there was an LPC scene and look what it achieved after people decided to max out their LPC accounts (mass mains/HPC invites on HPC accounts). 


    Some cunts are unbelievable man, you start up a new scene because you want to refresh real pures from cancer and then start wanting the cancer back in the scenes via combat increases. Keep the scene fresh and organised, else it will fail as the scenes before all have. You've been given something promising and now you want to ruin it.

  3. You know what I don't understand?


    You all say how fucking great you are, yet when you win you say how brown sticky stuff the losing opponent was. If the opponents are always as brown sticky stuff as you say, are you really any good for beating them based on that logic? Your words; not mine.


    Doesn't make sense.


    Looking forward to a prep that is actually organised properly.

  4. This has been the same result for the past 6 preps? What do you think will change?


    you guys asked for 'spontaneous prep' xd


    accept our declaration hehe

    I know we can do a lot better than whatever the hell that brown sticky stuff was.


    They shouldn't have spontaneously prepped outta the blue unless it was pub off *SMH*


    I'm not making excuses though, well done I guess.


    Hopefully me, and the rest of our actual core can be there and we can have a good prep.

  5. ? show me where we pked at ditch. at least we dont have to change our capes? Pride in your own clan, its your own anniversary trip lol... smh

    I can't even be bothered debating this anymore haha


    And that was one part of the trip in a fight we arranged with Doom. ST were nice enough to roll with us and even though we both had seperate teamspeaks; we gave doom their hardest fight yet.


    And watch our video, we actually did work against them matched!


    You guys didn't get to fight them matched so didn't look very fun for you.


    I'm sure you will do well, if not better, matched against doom :)

  6. Sounds good. but a mini tournament? 10v10? 75 cap, fs will always be down. :)

    When I said mini tournament I meant like a small tournament organised between clans. Actual numbers cap would be open to discussion I'd say.


    Although a tournament with a mini sized pull like 10-20 would be interesting. All the best from each clan going at it, would be interesting for sure.

  7. sounds like fun, could definitely set that up.



    My idea was like a little mini tournament, like winner of Iv and Terror fights Fs or something. 

    Or if enough other clans were keen you have a knockout round til two left fight for the win. 


    I feel like the current format is a bit stale and something like that could spice things up a bit!

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