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Posts posted by muscleman69

  1. yg7kdGu.png


    farmer ur clan stayed bullied till they closed lol




    awe look at this cutie pie, you have a folder on your desktop named "imperial pics" ready so you can post them here when required - stop living in the past ya little bedwetter, your clan is pulling 20s, cancelling saturday trips and doing minis on sundays while the guy you keep quoting is in a clan that is pulling 80 every weekend

  2. you keep taking full credit for the 6 months of slumptations CD has put down on OP ...that is fine and all.... as long as you remember who daddy is


    but bite the hand that feeds you and start trespassing on rage whom belong to us and cd wont hesitate to throw away the last 8 months by teaming up with rage and op to take you out just for the laughs.... all at the click of my finger


    yours sincerely

    cd leader



  3. 1. Elder+ Boards

    2. 3 Pictures Edited Completely

    3. Old af. All from over a month ago when we caught the account you got access to.



    you tried lmfao


    month ago makes sense considering you're slumping even more now than before


    cancelling saturday trips


    doing 18v18 minis with rage on sundays


    asking members to make fake midweek topics


    your clan is fucking dead lmao - your welcome btw (cd/cp wins again!)

  4. doom were and are still the only clan that took us to the brink when it came to a rivalry since we became pures. the rest of the lpc and mpc scene meant absolutely squat when the both of our clans were running around in the same scene. it was like CD vs Doom every saturday and sunday while as far as either of us cared, even apex could of been the next best clan lol cause no one else mattered to either of us. we would both be pulling 100 each while other clans were running around with 30s


    crazy how you put that into perspective vs the brown sticky stuff we've been doing with rage and op which have been piece of cake and not even a challenge lol


    given how our new lpc unit has grown, i can foresee some future fights again :)


    this was one of the last (4 hours) fights we had before yall moved away

  5. We tried that, however CP/CD disregarded it and continued to bring mains. It's possible as communication has been proven, but everybody has to take part.



    It would be nice if we could all try this again and have all clans stick to their word.

    first of all, cd brought a few mains just to anti snipe any other potential mains and were willing to stop using them period


    but that all went out the window when eopiss tried fuckin with us. you really think people are going to honor this no main bullbrown sticky stuff if you have clans resorting to out of game tactics??? fuck it homie, for every irl dox/forum leak/ddos cd see's we'll bring another 100 mains in its stead to fight it. talk about cancer, nothing more cancerous than a bunch of virgins jacking their brown sticky stuff over some leaks in 2k16. my maxed melee accounts will eat your ass sideways bitch and we ARE the reason why eopiss sits at ditch on saturdays


    anyone else still crying about our mains(op/rage) should of known better, you knew what you were getting into when you started this main bs in mpc. trust me - i get ultimate satisfaction when i see CD pulling 80+ on saturdays while rage and opiss can barely pull 40 each, you deserve everything you got lol! as far as putting at end to it, who knows maybe if the community wasnt so brown sticky stuff, we wouldn't have to bully other clans with our mains. maybe take a look at the mirror ya digg?

  6. CD have nearly 200 active members spread over HPC, LPC and now the Main unit, and its growing every day


    As me lord jesus christ himself said, sunday is a day of resting


    but if op/rage/eopiss really want us to unlock abdullah from his chains of imprisonment then just let us know..... more than happy to bring 100x 1 itemers to sundays so we can lay forth some justice - so KYP pussies

  7. hpc lpc mains


    its a fookin dynasty fellas


    cd were the best cwa f2p team in 2014, so this is pretty much a return to the throne bby


    They would lose to pretty much every1 cwa


    it's just an attempt to bring more mains on the weekend, considering their current mains are brown sticky stuff and die to me

    its possible you haven't been to a f2p trip with eop for a while because from what i can gather, cd have been walking you down to edge for the last month

  8. can confirm eopiss got their heads caved in again for the 5th week in a row by CD



    2016 and youre still trying to leak clans lol you bunch of losers!


    everytime eopiss try to leak a clan, that clan inadvertently ends up slumping eopiss lol, maybe you should of taken a few notes. personally, im v happy to be eop's current punisher so far, all in ze name of mother cd!

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