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Posts posted by traumabest


    didnt edit out my flame.. they were frustrated that my combat lvl was 90 when they had an 88. sorry for the flame. :P


    as you can see i change accounts 2nd round :P

    we had a 49 two 60s two 70s and 1 84. 

    You had like two 70s 3 80s and 1 90

  2. I'm sorry but the what the hell is wrong with people. A full out turns into a mass fest and only one round is done, what a joke.


    Both clans disappoint. 98v87, these clans have like 50 members each. At least you guys had fun right, wait it was just one round and you played with a bunch of randoms.

    Trauma pulled like 60 we had 64 signups 

    bvs fall in after their invites left


  3. you can clearly see in the video that is 9 vs 10.. our level 60 was recording and in all of the rounds his right clicks were full of RED (Level 70s) and only 1-2 orange


    as for ddosing, if you watch a vid another one of our members posted, in the last round one of Activation say *tank it war* (leader)

    , if he was being ddosed why would he make it to the near end of a fight round 3. - if we was to ddos him, we wouldnt ddos for 1 round, we would make sure he was off throughout all 3 rounds of the mini. LOL


    - just sayin :P

    Don't ask me im just prepping you for the excuses you're going to encounter when you defeat activation.

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