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A Wet Tissue

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Posts posted by A Wet Tissue

  1. I'd like to get the surgery, but i'm 17 and not sure if my eyes are ready yet since I'm still growing. My mom had this done about 10 years ago @@Known 2 Pown and she had bad eyesight like me (about -3.00 prescription) and she's had 20/20 ever since.


    also it's expensive. being able to see without contacts/glasses would make my life a lot easier though.

  2. Looking at your post history (2 clicks btw very easy) you seem like you're incredibly insecure and don't seem to post anything positive and only attempt to berate people lmfao

    Tell us more about how you're depressed and hate the world after tier 0 closed l0l

    how does LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE TOPIC turn into a fight between you and someone from tlp or some other clan about your real life situations and how great you are at your job or whatever???


    it's legit every clan discussion topic


    have this fucking "who's broccolied and whos cool irl" convo in private for once, we've all seen it enough times holy fuck

  3. And we still outpull our rivals and are easily #2 atm.


    Imagine what we could do with a ML as big as 120+ lmfao

    you probably wouldn't pull 125 every trip if your ml was that big. with that number comes people who aren't as active as your current ml who are dedicated.

    Fi is doing decent when they are not in a rivalry with EoP, every time this brown sticky stuffs start they get fucking obliterated lmfa9

    i mean, they kinda dominated 2014. not so much 2015.





    @ ye bro?? i slumped ur clan lmfao

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