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Posts posted by Ofrran

  1. 4 minutes ago, Makers of Mayhem said:

    anglers aren't changing in that regard. you can still eat up to 121 before a match starts. in multi you carry heavy brews anyway, you don't eat anglers at 99hp because you save them for when you need to combo. the meta for the past 8 years has always been to eat brews when ur 99hp, and rocktail/angler brew when you drop significant health. this doesn't affect multi. I could understand this notion if you brought 4 phx necks and 20 anglers, but brews are 2.1k each now, the cheapest health/gp and the most hp/inv slot.  there's no reason you wouldn't take them

    Yeah, you make good points tbf; you're right that anglers are rarely used at 99hp, but it's still an option I'd rather have than not. I'm probably overly concerned. 

  2. They need to re-think the anglerfish nerf for multi PvP areas. I get why they want to restrict safing in 1v1 situations (to encourage risk taking,  increase KOs, etc..) but multi is completely different. Anglers are one of the few things that actually assist in tanking in a game which sees constant and gradual powercreep. 

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