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Posts posted by Yaq

  1. are u retardet? laugh all u want but lets see what zu has accoomplished


    - loose a rivalry to cv

    - slump for 3 months now pulling 15-20

    - loose to ascent (l0l)

    - never win a full out




    - own zu/soup/z in a rivalry

    - pull 80 people

    - #1 for 3 months

    - slump lt

    - best leadership


    keep talking no namer.

    Im killing myself.

    Goodbye world.

  2. These forums have more events posted than Zybez half the time, this commmunity is far from dead, you guys just claimed it was and turned into mains because you were the scum of the community and every clan would have slumped SV into closure if you didn't.


    FI pulled 55 so ZU decides to team with them, nice logic lmao. You don't need to wear the same team capes to hit SV, thats perhaps the most broccolied excuse I ever heard lmao. FI and ZU reached a new low during this event, normally it used to be CP/MM that used to make themselves look like retards at these kind of events.


    There will always be 1-2 pathetic clans that are uncapable of participating in any type of planned event, I figured something would fuck up with this event but I figured ZU/FI would atleast be smarter than that.

    lol eop

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