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Posts posted by Excellence

  1. On 12/19/2018 at 6:21 PM, Rinse said:

    Yeah, you couldn't be anymore wrong. 

    In 2010, CPR, the clan you were in specifically, constantly crashed fights, as did every other clan. How do I know this? Well, we (Defiance,) and CPR formed a coalition to bully and batter IR+CH, and we constantly crashed each other's fights. 

    Also, your spy thing is totally and outrageously untrue, almost every clan had locs back then too, just not in the form of leaks. I'd reckon leaks became the most popular way to obtain locs around 2011-2012ish, when GP was easy to distribute. I had accounts in Ch + EF to name off an example. We all used them to get more action.


    PS: I'd agree whole heartedly clanning was better in 2009-2012, like whole heartedly, but it wasn't as god tier as you made it seem. 

    The kids leading clans now days are absolute SPAKKERS, and like slushdownie said, the bad thing is, they aren't even kids, half of these fags are 25+ years old. It's honestly embarrassing lmao. The difference in 2010 was that we'd just fight to fight, we had a decent community site to post our aftermath topics on where mods handled business if it got out of hand, and that was that. I'd argue there was enough clans to feed off everywhere, too, which helped make it interesting, and honestly you're right - Walli or Kyle would've never had FOE anywhere near a SUP vs IR fight, EVER, but dF+CPR and EF/Malice would've been there. 

    Kids ask for pub off preps now. If that happened in 2010, all of us would've LOL'd on spot. 

    Really, all that needs to change IMO on OSRS are the brackets. The community lacks structure beyond belief. It's too bad kids like EOP ruin every bit of their hype every month and can't keep up with FOE, etc. 


    Hopefully these xLPCs that are opening now turn into the med scene, and clans like IR, SUP, Apex, etc become the new 'HPC' scene we had in 2010. I really think that's where the game lacks currently. 


    oh ps: in 2010 the only shit clan that used mains was MM whom had HF on speed dial. Drop your mains you absolute clowns. 

    Coming from the Ex-Leader of CPR, IR and CH talked a lot of banter, and if you recall CPR was the one of the most NH clans around along with PoT. I let just about everything slide as long as you didn't do it to another clan member. Our lax rules made for some of the best times that we still chat about to this day. Defiance wasn't ever really anything to us, they didn't ever have the numbers to do anything. We may have thrown some shade but we also had some of the best pure brids in the game. So say what you will, but clans knew when they were getting crashed beforehand because tbh there were spies in every single clan. Why do you think so many clans would walk north of east drags in the single strip for 3 hours looking for fights? :]

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