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Posts posted by Guizmo

  1. We claim to be the best because we've literally been #1 undisputed for the past several months.


    You claim to say we haven't done anything when we've literally smoked every single clan matched opts and in the wilderness down opts in the hpc and lpc era these past several months, we've declared a full out on foe where they declined on their anniversary trip which would make the most sense for them to do it since everyone would be there. We bullied each and every clan from the hpc scene to the lpc scene and continued our dominance without the usage of 'mains' that you always seem to refer to when everyone in our clan can tell you that we do not bring them but you will always seem to use that as a scapegoat when eop are actually smashing everyone to a point people who dislike us and not share the same hate to cloud their perception of reality can say we are #1 (https://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/33451-best-clans-2017/).


    Excluding this past year, FOE historically have proven to be one of the best p2p clans to ever touch this game and have never ever lost a p2p fullout even when the odds were against them versus TLP in their prime last year where they managed to claw themselves out of a 7 man disadvantage due to the stupidity of Hanuman who called for his clan to push through instead of staying back and playing methodically, goes to show that all he knows is f2p heh go figure.


    Moving on from that you now have a ridiculous claim that FI slumped EoP and made us close four times?


    EoP were open from 2005-2015 without a single closure, we even went to EOC and fought CP on there up until jagex announced oldschool servers. Towards the end of 2011 your clan pulled out of a 2 year slump and dominated the last year of pre eoc, no one can deny that. You then went on to being very good on osrs for the first year and a half, EOP then pulled out of being #3 #4 and absolutely demolished and demoralised your clan around fall of 2014 to a point where you still 2 and a half years (almost 3) have not recovered. What sort of relevance did you have since those 2 and a half years (2012-mid 2014)? Absolutely nothing, you lost a full out to supremacy and have the worst prep record out of every clan on this game, your clan got to the point where our current leader nick had to pay people to leave the portal in order to bring some sort of hype for your clan which obviously failed since you still lost everything after that.


    The only times EOP closed were when we were on top of every clan in both f2p and p2p (not with foe in p2p clw/wilderness) and then re opened two days later because Solo was feeling bad for everyone that cared a lot to then close a week later because he wasn't willing to let the clan move on without him.


    FOE are a shadow of their former selves and these past few months have shown it, there is no doubt in my mind that if our current rank team and core continue to stay active that no clan will overthrow us no matter how hard you all try. You can quote me on that.


    Fatality is irrelevant and garbage and this weekend every single one of you will stop using this site permanently due to not being able to handle the flame and banter that you'll be inflicting upon yourselves.


    P.S you literally linked two one rounders of the same fullout we lost where our main caller was hit off left with some guy with a lisp to call to then have everyone leave the cc, grats I guess lol, wasn't around then to be much help.



    73-0 & 74-0 - Never forget who killed your clan, spastic.


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