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Posts posted by Duraizio

  1. On 9/10/2021 at 5:14 PM, Nerdy said:

    being down 10 without extra opts flooding into the portal only losing by 1.. i am happy with my clans performance!

    gf tho, i am humble in defeat! ( just doesnt happen often :P )


    p.s half your povs are using legit pile finders come on now... >.<

    I think only one pov used a pile finder. However, I can vouch that the person technically doesn't need it.

    None the less, it was a good competitive fight between both clans. Don't let the haters say otherwise.


    Edit: You are correct that half of the povs contain a pile finder. 

  2. I personally don't think multi-clanning or the main community is the problem here. 

    People are going to try to break rival clans either by leaking, crashing, or using mains/meds. I don't foresee things changing in that manner.

    If you want pure only action, then create a new trend. Make pure fights last as long as some of the pre-eoc main fights. 1-item rag your opponent until they give up. 

    Change the game plan somehow. 


  3. I think the problem in itself is that the art of clanning has changed. I was part of the main community during 09-2012. Fights were much cleaner and there were more clans to engage in battle with. I honestly don't remember hearing of people multi-logging  during those years nor do I remember leaks being a common thing. In order to make a short concise point, I don't believe the defense level is the root cause for mains being involved. I think clans are no longer capable of taking a loss. Instead, they will have an arsenal of accounts at any level bracket to win at all costs. I cannot speak for why Main clans would want to rag the pure scene, but I do believe the only way to deal with them is by sending a message (team against crash). 

    Figured I should add, I do believe a "defense reset" would help revamp the scene. Of course, there will always be 1 defense pures that join clans regardless of the current defense cap. However, I think a defense reset would be good for newer clanning community. 

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