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Posts posted by Unreal

  1. Bragging about being a rank in MA on BS when it's had 20 versions LOL? So technically you've accomplished nothing and have had no prime or peak because of how bad you actually are.


    No rank, no team, no success. Yes my team was successful because like I said, I closed 7-8 teams, won over 150+ mini wars with under 10 losses and beat every competition and units there was.


    Are you bragging out Panda when this dead scene had only one other team open at the time which was BW? LMFAO you really do have nothing and you show it more and more after each reply.


    No rank Pre-EOC or even clanned Pre-EOC. No successful rank in BS or OSRS now. A +1 your whole existence and you didn't even mange to be in a team cause you were a mute in MA.


    l0l you really are a nobody with no history. There's not much more to say because of how much of a different level I am than you. Dumb paki mute

    panda > whatever brown sticky stuff team u were in or still are
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