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Posts posted by I_R0BUST_I

  1. yeah but you have like a 2-93 prep record

    prep records don't mean anything, numerous factors can affect a prep i.e. the absence of a main caller due to irl, NH actions such as ddos etc.


    in the wilderness you get a chance to return, in a prep if you get hit off that's a -1 for your clan for the round which is pretty bad 

  2. Are you lost? OP Will never be better than doom in any aspect of the game lmao.

    OP know how to run the Lpc scene, we've been doing it for nearly a year and are the oldest lpc in 07 or in RS in general.


    we can also mass recruit way more efficiently than any other lpc including doom and we have the highest combats too (alot of us are maxed)

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