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Posts posted by TierOne

  1. Sv who? Clans like this make me sick when they teamed with us "POP" pre eoc to help fight the beef they had with others. I hope your ready for the brown sticky stuff storm awaiting you. Oh and just a reminder to everyone, this isnt a multi clan. We are planning to go hpc very soon with the amount of sign ups ready to make this project go forward. Back in 2010-2012 POP was a lpc due to combat levels but we ended up facing Hpc/mpc due to our pulls. To all the hpc clans, summoning won't save you no more.. WE ARE THE ONLY CLAN BESIDES MM,FOE WHO HAVE PULLED MORE THAN 125+ ON TS. The struggle is real in the hpc scene and sv shall be our stepping stone. The self proclaimed #1 lpc lmao. Lpc is that even a rank? Here's a few videos to show you all how a massive lpc competed in hpc times. The plague is here


    Fi very own elder posting a video with there measly 90 man pull vs plague of pures 127 pull



    Sv calls pop to clear 3 lpc clans just so they get the win and end there pathetic crash war



    Yellow hat kings


  2. Lpc - sv cause the ranks actually suck. Not stable. Make tons of propaganda topics. Exactly what doom did and now they are slumping. Who has Elve as a rank??? Let alone im so beast. Both are rejects of the main community


    Hpc- eop just cause they don't have enough members and they will eventually fade away like before

  3. Honestly why put RD beside SV? Sv are broccolied and shouldn't even be mentioned when compared to a clan like RD. During weekend trips, when I hear SV it means free loot. When I hear RD that means a real pkri. Idk who you are but sv are little guys compared to rd and at least rd can compete hpc times. Sv on the other hand say they were good when on 07 and say they were good in main clanning. But all I've seen from sv is getting beat on constantly by FI and Foe back in the day and destroyed by every main clan besides AC who recently closed lmfao. Oh yea don't forget The almighty SV teamed with POP just cause they only pulled 20 to there 3v1 beef in pre eoc and begged pop to help them. Pop pulled 70 and cleared those 3 clans while your 20 members spamming sv in there fall in lmfao. Nice history sv. Hack some more

  4. Eop better reopen. If mm gonna be brown sticky stuff and stay closed than eop needs to step up and say "hey were the beast" look at tlp having ex mm warlord who couldn't call better than the worst lpc clans. Clans like eop can survive with new leadership and prospects. Unlike mm.

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