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Posts posted by Living

  1. 17 hours ago, Pug said:

    Can you guys do anything without your members going on mains? At least fucking kill all the mains at the end so its not obvious they're with you. Toxic clan. 

    Hey dumbfuck, do you not see the AAO main sniping me or the Apex main that was also sniping me in the video? :68747470733a2f2f63646e2e646973636f72646170702e636f6d2f656d6f6a69732f3335373531333134303632393533363736382e706e67:

  2. Undefeated.




    Holy fuck Olympus member quality is F-

    Go do inners u lost to a clan with 60s facepalm-.-

    While u out level them by tons


    I believe the level difference between the majority of our members was around 20-30 levels. Not only did we have 60s we had a few 50s (i believe). 



    This precisely, I don't know why you feel the need to make your clan look better with false propaganda by making the opts look more even.

    Thanks for the fights.


    We don't need to look better, we won. 

  3. Why do people claim Doom to be mass recruiters? CD is the only clan that i know of that goes to edgeville and has spam bots 24/7.

    Clans close, join Doom. People leave clans, join Doom. Doom brown sticky stuffs on everyone every weekend and event, they join Doom afterwards. No reason to mass recruit when your #1.

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