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Posts posted by tribal

  1. If you were unfortunate enough to have a problem down there would you,


    A: Go to the doctors and find a problem to the solution

    B: Keep it quiet hoping it would fix itself and get better

    C: Post it on your members boards asking for help


    @ wuu2

    i would join CD. seems a lot of kids there have the same problem so i should be at home there.

  2. YBqQssI.png


    The kiss of life to your clan, we're here to resuscitate you.


    Name:Doom's Official Teamspeak ~ The Demons ~ The Best Community


    Version: on Linux

    License:Licensed hosting provider

    Uptime:16 days 18 hours 6 minutes 58 seconds

    Current Channels:45

    Current Clients:19 / 100

    Current Queries:0 / 100


    Your dead niggas


    You can find Doom leaks here - http://critical-damage.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=22588 


    Looks like such a good clan to be in!!

    you post this on christmas? like wtf lol? every1 is with their families celebrating xmas not playing runescape.... dead clan yet we're still able to pull 70+ and wreck you guys weekend in weekend out....stay ez Scrooge.

  3. "Fucking clowns" we give you good multi action when we're down a brown sticky stuff ton and we don't dart to single like other clans, show some respect when we're giving you good action heavily out opted.


    we appreciate the fights, but if you want to get at our level, get your brown sticky stuff together and provide us with a challenge,if the reason why you got cleared so easily was because you were down 15, pull more.

  4. 87df7d4b75.gif


    On this glorious Saturday Doom massed 70 Sexy Doom Demons and we took a stinky in Critical Damage's faces,



    Shout outs:


    Critical Damage for the brown sticky stuffty pull and getting 1 banged - just quit.

    Apex for stepping up to another Server and getting brown sticky stuffted on, just like P2P.

    Ruin for all the scims and the laughs, fucking clowns.

    Olympus for running to singles faster than Usain Bolt running from Donald Trump




    Monir's Pov


    Smoky's Pov



    Ultama's Pov


    Thrash's Pov







  5. why do you lie so much lmfao


    you had a short prep for today then called us out you had 50 on teamspeak the whole time. You're just lucky we decided to fight you so not sure why you would act like a broccoli.


    Just remember though


    • we make you PK below level 20 wilderness on ALL of your Pk trips
    • we made you brings teles
    • we made you mass tele out and return together because you were getting banged
    Stay brown sticky stuff Doom if it was around level 30 wilderness where you couldn't tele out you would of got cleared from the map

    You had a brown sticky stuff ton of mains thus why we stayed low wildy, we brought glories, and we mass teled out when you mass 1 itemed. You can see on our vids the white dots around us were wearing 1 items when we ported out.

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