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Status Updates posted by Jail`

  1. How to bully a clan @Hon0r you want some lessons you broccoli?

  2. @Hon0r go to clan wars cuz im gonna be bullying your ass all night boi

  3. @Hon0r 40v48 perfected L M F A O U GUYS FUCKING SUCKKKKKKK

  4. @Shadows read your kik pm you noob

  5. Impact Wins again

  6. The Reign of Monk robes. Www.impact-rs.net

  7. Made pop end again :( rough times to be a POOP member

  8. Winna Winna, Chicken Dinna

  9. Lmfao when Rage and Sf need to team in p2p "OFF RAGE" L M F A O

  10. Www.impact-rs.net #1 LPC

  11. Wow Impact never lost a fight yet...Gz Impact gz Mayhem Makers Gz Havoc Gz Nme Gz Epidemic

  12. Want to join the #1 F2P LPC? Www.impact-rs.net literally have never ever lost a fight irl or rs

  13. Lvl 50s without overheads railed 70s with overheads today. Obviously Impact winner winner chicken dinner.

  14. Impact clearly winner winner chicken dinner

  15. Clearly Impact's da best

  16. BTW LPC scene Impact will be taking 100m from each clan if you want to pk on weekends. You have till friday :)

  17. When SF tries to spec and tele and 3 of them die, then they get in a 4 man clump LOL. Bless

  18. Impact saved the pure community. Will accept donations of gratitude thanks

  19. Made every clan either not come out or get bullied to Clan wars. Yes agreed Impact #1

  20. First fight, we are the winners #Redemption

  21. @Hon0r have fun doing inners in clan wars l0l0l0l0l

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