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Everything posted by Yaboyrowey

  1. Sick cheers man I'll check it out. And ya i remember you too
  2. Cheers guys.. I hope to see some old faces as well as some new
  3. What is your real life name? Jake, but call me Rowey; everybody else does. What are your hobbies? I play poker professionally, I'm also a big follower of football and I used to play semi-professional cricket as well.. other than that I love to drink alcohol go to festivals etc etc and other than that I'm a big fan of League of Legends and obviously Runescape (again) aswell. Gold 4 atm first season on dat climb ya knoo. What is your RuneScape history? Boy this is a tough question... Well I spent most of my time in Clan Carnage and Hazard; with Staggering/Jakesaw being my last RSN before i quit. I was in DVI for a while and also DV aswell, had a short stint in FOE but my first pure clan was LP back in the day also had good times in NS and FF (I got around a bit... I'm pretty oldschool) I'm pretty sure there are more but I cannot remember the names of them at all. Haha. What are your goals for your RuneScape account? Well this is where I am at the moment... for now I'm just kinda trying to powerlevel to 70 range and then I want to get DT and Mith Gloves done... then I will start working on other brown sticky stuff. Clanning is what I want to do so my training path will depend pretty heavily on if I manage to pick up a clan What clan are you in? No But I am looking. Clanning was always my absolute favourite thing to do on RS. You can't beat the community and the laughs you have in a pureclan. Also the times at PCL and Sunday PK trips etc just make it for me. I know I'm only a lilguy atm but I have a wealth of clanning experience and I will be an asset to any clan Hit me up! Anything else: Thanks for reading, It's been a while since I've been around and I feel I'm kinda out of touch with the community. But I want nothing more than to be straight back in the middle and make myself heard but in the words of my boy Trick2g for all you League of Legends followers out there.. I'm back once a motha fuckin gain
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