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Posts posted by StinkFace

  1. Your autism never ceases to amaze me.


    We have a 5+ advantage and 95cb cap since they have 100s, so they needed to sit. They before the countdown ticked down to make it so we had +5, therefore leaving us unprepared.


    You wouldn't know about that though because you'd never prep a HPC nevermind an LPC or doom lmfa0

    "They before the countdown".


    Your stupidity never ceases to amaze me v2 lmfao.

  2. The round was redone though because they hit before the counter ticked down lol?


    You lost 3-0 against ruin and you wouldn't even prep a HPC (never mind win) and you would most likely lose to the current LPCs lmfa0

    "They hit before the countdown ticked down"


    Your stupidity never ceases to amaze me.

  3. Dude i got told by downfall members and officials you had asked them. lmfao


    We achieved more has a main clan than TLP has ever. CD was on like a 50-0 CWA streak in 07 before we closed. Before 07 came out we were #1 CWA and Wilderness. you should know, you were CD back then. Main clans will always vote us, so they might as well make the best pure award for CD for 2016 also.

    Awkward as fuck v2

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