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Posts posted by Aqua

  1. k2h748.jpg

    Recently one of our Legend BV members passed away :'( so we set out on this day to dick on clans and show them what we are made out of.




    We set out on this glorious day with 48 BV members and ending with 39.


    BV vs SKO

    We had a planned fight against SKO at Sperm hill clearing them in like almost 2 minutes and losing about 4-5 members before CP crashed. Thanks for the fight SKO



    BV vs Zerg Unit

    We ran into Zu north of Hillz & we just started straight dropping they're members like flies until they couldnt take it anymore and they just ran east to singles with they're remaining members and dipped. Thanks for the fight Zu.


    BV vs Leet Tactics

    Ran into LT at single strip level 13 with they're 18 member pull so we decided to bully them and we pulled it west to hillz path and we started fighting it out until there was nothing but team 49 capes on the ground. Thanks for the fight LT.




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