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Posts posted by Wooop

  1. I want to say CP but what quality are we talking about lmfao?


    The only thing they have going for them atm is them outpulling every1 because of the amount of mains and lpc that attend their trips.


    If they had an actual trip as CP they would be competing with FI right now. & probably even losing..


    i mean not according to your irc logs but sure whatever you say :)

  2. "Warlords"


    "Elite bs3r"


    Someone should fix that.


    But i don't really understand what the fuss is with rank changes.. sometimes a clan needs to get rid of the dead weight..


    Personally I think Elite is pretty good at what he does; e.g. he managed to convince half the pure community that I leak IPs from sharkbrew without a single shred of evidence..


    post of the year 2k15 loooll

  3. Lemon pepper is actually one of the worst trolls on these boards lmao.


    Cp is the only clan who can't compete, if you guys could compete you wouldn't be teaming with lil guy clans on the weekends. You are the ONLY clan who does this, take the hint kiddo.


    Hey mate, CP went 6-1 in preps last month and actually prepped real clans. If the only reason cp is good is because of lpc invites then why were they September clan of the month which is based off preps?


    if you guys spent as much time on your clan as you do on sharkbrew maybe you could actually compete


    I did it for you.


    Eruption of Pures massed up 40 people, peaking later in the trip at 45
    We headed out with 45 pirates later peaking at 50.
    Today we rolled out with about 40 Pirates on our action packed P2P Trip.
    As you can see you clueless little gremlin, we've also been consistently pulling 40-50 on sundays.
    Its a no brainer that clans pull less on sundays lmfao.
    Clans like FO who are P2P based & TLP who are in a rivalry with FO pull more. CP is just mass inviting anyone who wants to go to their trip so its a no brainer that your pulls are also higher than the rest rofl.
    Stay ez



    can you say no brainer 10 more times i dont think i heard it enough


    ps - eop is a in a fucking crisis right now

  5. How does us booting those 3 inviduals have anything to do with us raping you tomato?


    maaaaybe its because you guys are on your knees (where you belong) begging our members to come join eop or maaaaaaybe its because you guys pull 30 on weekends.



  6. From my time in EOP before I was booted by their cauliflower leader, EOP is like titanic. Biggest & mightiest ship of her time then sank quite rapidly after that


    or you can be that 80 y/old grain carrier that has been traversing the great lakes whose name no1 ever know of


    under-rated comment here

  7. Your clan gives legend & elder ranks away to people who simply decide to join their clan.


    Your clan gives leader to lpc ranks so they would help you out of your slump.


    Please stop talking about how clans work and about other clans staff members lmfao.


    helping cp out of a slump? chain was leader for 90% of september and in case you can't read the scoreboard we were clan of the month. the autism in eop is unbearable

  8. Funny how every single cp member on these boards use fake nicks to try and hide their stupidity. All you guys talk about is eop, sorry that our clan has been beating your ass for 99% of your existence but you guys will get over it eventually.


    we closed your clan

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