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Posts posted by Jonathan

  1. Its not Jagex that doesnt care about pures its the rest of the community. If jagex put in updates just because the pure community (which is about 20%) wanted it, it would make the rest of the community upset..

    nah dude think of it this way, we have had 70 - 74% votes on stuff like pures returning to ape atoll without gaining xp, but 26% said no, the minority won, polling needs to change and the last one we had a bout 59% votes for pures returning to ape atoll, again 41% won that, minority vote won again, it does not make sense..

  2. Probably says Sharkbrew in Chinese cause Jagex might be bought by a Chinese company. They posted about it on runescape forums, and it's been all over reddit.

    China is buying sharkbrew!

  3. Pserver era is over lol the only thing left is osrs mate. But just a reminder, only people who had experience clanning on pservers would agree with you but people who never wouldn't

    its never completely over, jagex makes a mistake and pservers will be right there waiting

  4. The J Mods legit don't give a fuck about pures.


    Its how it has always been, but we adapt and make it work.


    So long as there is no fucked updates like eoc, clanning will still survive.

    jmods tried but it never passes a damn poll, i srsly want jagex to low key add a glitch where pures can return to ape atoll without getting xp, thats how pures managed to get addy gloves back then, and they just updated it so you didnt take xp from daero later on.

  5. ROFL ofc u want to start playing private servers cause your clan is dead dumb cunt was ez


    dont know how we're dead when we're currently out pulling aao, cd and ruin? but ok, keep the propaganda going, although you shouldnt cause you're bad at it

  6. Pservers don't offer the challenge that rs does. Part of the fun is the training up of your account. Not maxing your account and getting turmoil in 3 hours.


    I'd say no, imo.

    yeah i agree + the security that it wont just close and take off with the money, but i hate how we never receive updates especially something like addy gloves because the rs community is so toxic

  7. It's clear jagex doesnt give a brown sticky stuff about us, if clans decided to go to pservers would you follow?


    put the rivalries aside for 10 seconds please, this is a genuine question that im wondering about.


    the Pserver that we'd change too would most likely be built around clanning

  8. Cr: apex, started a rivalry with aao(lol) and slumped to 30 pulls lost to rage and st in preps cancelled Sunday trips consecutively etc etc


    Vu: slaughter tbh, if they start losing in preps(when they're a clan wars clan) they won't have much left because they're bad in the wildy

    we out pull AAO broccoli, and we never prepped ST and we havent cancelled sunday trips, the propaganda is real right now

  9. theres no question AAO is dying, your ranks are asking for donations to keep their forums and ts online and no doubt pocketing some money they get as well, and not only that they're not even able to afford GFX 





    the picture above was taken from their aftermath topic


    so AAO members if you'd like to join a clan with a future join apex, our ranks can actually pay for TS and Forums/GFX we wont be closing due to financial troubles (you dont hear that too often in pure clanning LOOOL)

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