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Posts posted by KFC

  1. lol'd ive pked 3 whips from nice burka and a b ring from 2 Ridiculous and about 3m+ from the kitchen unit lmao. didnt know Fi cared about loot when they gave some kid 15000$ when ur client got infected.. o yeah didnt Fi return like 30 times just so they could claim #1 p2p for only 2 weeks. arent you the leader of the clan that has closed so many times and it didn't even last for a month.


    go cut urself emo fgt.



    @KFC   nice whip pk ive killed pog brah for 3 whips already and 2 kbows

    Yeah but you're a main fighting a pure, on this topic i was a main fighting an sv main (27defence)

  2. Storyline:


    Innocent KFC was wandering around the Rogues Den when he suddenly spotted an Sv member with 27 defence.


    The flame was on, we went at it for a good 15mins




    he then went on to flame my baby pure so I jumped on my big boy and he held his ground talking brown sticky stuff




    he got smoked and after laughing at the spec i had more to laugh about: the lewtations







    Fight was fair, both accounts are mains.


    (22:12:59) <[ET]RuneScript> *** [ BIG NLG BAMF ]: Overall 938 | Att 72 | Def 27 | Str 82 | HP 81 | Range 86 | Pray 52 | Mage 85 | Cook 43 | WC 57 | Fletch 28 | Fish 21 | FM 50 | Craft 38 | Smith 21 | Mine 33 | Herb 19 | Agil 52 | Thief 53 | Slay 26 | Farm 9
  3. You have no idea what you are talking about, you havent been researching what is going on in syria. You have no idea what is too come. The obama administration (Gov) says that Syria crossed the line when using chemical warfare on citizens, Well Vladmir Putin released a 100 page document stating that the US intel supposedly is completely wrong and infact the rebels are the ones who used the chemical warfare, trying to over throw Assad, the main Rebel group is Al Nusra which is an Al-Qaeda FRONT LINE. I think every one here knows what a front line is (the main crazy mo fuckas that do the bombings and serious attacks), we are funding them US military grade weapons and explosives to over throw assad. Why though? Because the US has an oil pipeline that has huge income of revenue from, and Assad doesn't want us to use it (from what i've researched recently), our government is lying to us about the use of chemical warfare on children by a country leader simply to suck all the sad emotion from the citizens to support going into syria. We are not the worlds police and we need to stop acting like it. We have been told for years and years that Al-Qaeda is the enemy, but all of the sudden a civil war breaks out in Syria between the Al Qaeda Rebels and The Syrian government, and we are supporting the rebels because the thought of "chemical warfare on children by a government" is crossing the line when we have potentionally lied through.


    I have also skimmed through the .PDF 100 page article and looked at the pictures and 2 videos and it looks like the rebels are throwing chemical gas to me, but i'm not sure because of there outfits.


    A world War 3 is the end of mankind potentially, once one country launches nuclear weapons (which im guessing will be at the US) its a neuclear warfare and then its a wrap. I pray to god this does not happen and i pray we overthrow obama because he is just like bush, a pussy puppet that gets told what to do by a bunch of higher power ass holes.


    It makes me wanna move honestly, United States is hated by everybody except for the UK, but thats not much, Russia was our ally aswell and they just released a 100 page report on how the media has been lying to the public and pushed sending troops to syria


    look how many wars usa has been involved in, how many countries they've invaded then you'll understand why they're so hated.

  4. What? LOL implying you don't act different here than in ts, on ts you suck everyones dlck and here you act like a broccoli trying to protect your clans image which only gets worse. You lost get over it moron

    no he acts like a thug on these forums but hes a kind guy lol...

  5. Hey that was me on that account and if you think youre top brown sticky stuff come easts.

    Also the quality of your members are below RD AND SV.

    nothing but wanna be raggers i got countless of clips on your brown sticky stuff clan members the only decent one that represents EOP is my nigga prosdontdie. I would shut up if i was you when your clan is nothing but brown sticky stuff, the pirate ship has sunk. So go back to fighting LPC's on your weekend trips and hide in singles like the little bitch boys you guys are.

    this is actually true. pros carries Eop like FUCK

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