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Posts posted by Fate

  1. @@B0Y @@Fate

    Gtfo my thread, and go flame-bait somewhere else

    i love you jim, i really do,  i think your a really nice person and i would love to get to know you better, add me in game - Ginger Beard, we can train together to make the grind a little less boring if you would like? im not forcing a relationship upon you i would just like to get to know you better, you have no reason to be afraid there is no commitments involved, i promise to only talk to you if you pm me first. although there are a few ground rules if you wish to accept my friend request:

    - do not ignore me if we are in a conversation.

    - please, if you ever feel the need to delete me, let me know and give me a few reasons why so if i befriend anyone else in the future so i can improve on my relationship skills.

    - whenever you feel like you want to social train, i must be the first you ask.

    *if i decline the offer i WILL give you a valid reason why.


    Thanks Jim.

  2. this just in from the leader of activtion! [ halp/h0w3]


    Activation had more 40 and 50s than you guys!!! xd

    You guys had a +3 on them

    You ddosed him!


    ^ From his irc pm to this topic xD


    you can clearly see in the video that is 9 vs 10.. our level 60 was recording and in all of the rounds his right clicks were full of RED (Level 70s) and only 1-2 orange


    as for ddosing, if you watch a vid another one of our members posted, in the last round one of Activation say *tank it war* (leader)

    , if he was being ddosed why would he make it to the near end of a fight round 3. - if we was to ddos him, we wouldnt ddos for 1 round, we would make sure he was off throughout all 3 rounds of the mini. LOL


    - just sayin :P

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