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Rise Against

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Posts posted by Rise Against

  1.  I mean i get it, i'd be heated if I lost to rage in and out of the wilderness (3-0 in f2p preps) but that's no excuse to bring mains, how about you handle tannie and stop crying because rage didn't off you when you clearly stood at the fight for ~25 minutes trying to "beat us", If you knew that tannies mains were in our cape, wouldn't it be just as easy to leave the fight and contact a rage rank, like you usually do? You're just scraping for anything you can so you can bring mains.


    Dont forget that we got the team-6 alliance in 1 clan, we could easily double our pull with mains.

  2. 1. Clan wars wont work, 3 clans would already pull 250+ together so ill go for F2P wildy. P2P is just a waste of time, since youll be spread from sperm to corp. Make sure to put main abusers on different sides so that they counter eachother :)

    2. Where is my no option? Voted for all now but its cauliflower and i dont want it 

    3.PCL is fun, sure why not

  3. In terms of Mini's you mean 20v20 preps, lets not forget your clan has done 20v20's in the past in which we've credited points to aswell as some low pulling clans (Apex,MF,SUP,Prestige,Strike Team) have been doing 20v20's for years now. Your clan generally became salty after UB got a prep w/FI and it was like 21v21 or something. Now in terms of PKRI's your cauliflower if you cant figure that your yourself (who would want less wilderness action??) lol 

    Go find me a 20v20 prep from rage. Also, we can only post 1 pk trip a day but you can just spam pkris

  4. it seemed a bit odd that clans don't get bonus points for winning declaration fight, so I have made some modifications of my own.


    if you win declaration fight, you get extra 1 point per fite ontop of any existing cotm points

    Nice and all but why do clans get points for mini's? And why can clans do 10 pkris on 1 day?

  5. living in the past, i moved on while i demoralized ur brown sticky stuff clan 

    How can u lose 7-1 to your rival clan 


    i still do just in cd, let's see in 1-2 months where rage is 

    You say "living in the past" yet you say "How can u lose 7-1 to your rival clan" lel


    CD ded, like imp tho

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