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Status Updates posted by ProudRageMember

  1. Best and most reliable leaking network /query Hansis, Pain or Zeke to leak for Big gp.

  2. Best and most reliable leaking network /query Hansis, Pain or Zeke to leak for Big gp.

  3. Best and most reliable leaking network /query Hansis, Pain or Zeke to leak for Big gp.

  4. Hey rage! You still suck btw

    1. ProudRageMember


      Best and most reliable leaking network: /query hansis, pain or zeke on irc or pm me here.

  5. Lmfao eop reduced to 1 iteming by a mpc. Gratz CD

  6. Mfw rage copies imperial sig l0l. Understandable from a clan that haven't accomplished anything after being open for a year.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fear The Beard
    3. Wise Old Man

      Wise Old Man

      waiting for imperial to win their 9th prep vsopiss

    4. Doc-


      we were 2-0 vs them and we closed them y u hef to be mad brah hahahahahahha

  7. Query "hansis" on irc to leak. Best prices.

  8. Query "hansis" to leak paying up to 10m

  9. Query "hansis" to leak. Best price (5-10m deepending on clan)

  10. Query "hansis" to leak. Best price.

  11. Query "hansis" to leak. Best price.

  12. Query "hansis" to leak. Best price

  13. Query "hansis" to leak. Best price

  14. Query "hansis" to leak. Best price

  15. Query "Hansis" to leak. Paying up to 10m/trip for certain clans (6m for others)

  16. See, what mind blows me is. When I make a decision, I speak to 2 other mediators/overseer's so. When I tell you to do something, it's the rank team saying it. But then again you'll complain and say we are all biased. How about we all just fight, and play the game. Instead of being emotional weirdos. It's www.runescape.com

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