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Posts posted by Dilinja

  1. so... are you wearing your own team cape atleast or what?

    DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN that's a good burn. For sure it'll break them even more.


    JK, they're already broken.

    Too bad that everybody outside of Rage/OP/Apex/IV can see that the alliance I just stated is losing this battle lol.

    i agree, rageopapexiv broke

  2. im not the one training 10 mains at once and I'm not the one with 4 level 80 accounts with 90 defence, seems like you are the one who needs to go outside 4n boy

    I haven't been training brown sticky stuff for months now.

    And you're wrong about the 4 accounts. It's someone else who has those. 


    Deep breaths, Deep breaths.


    Breathe in, Breathe out.

  3. You lack intelligence boy, that's why you're content with sitting at your computer all day creating runescape accounts


    Reminds me of Timothy Pearson r0fl

    Who says i sit on my computer all day and train the accounts?

    You're a downy who sits on sharkbrew all day creating accounts to give your broccolied opinions. stfu

  4. All of your callers use 30defence+ accounts, you've been teaming on rage and olympus even when we weren't allied, so stop being a daft cunt and use your head, unless you really think that you pull 100+ on your lonesome with other clans doing "#imperial" "#wsclan" "#axis" #rev" "x" Stop acting like a fuckin joke

    Only way you and op can pull 100 is when you bring rage apex invictus and hpc invites to your merged clan "ROP"

    aka rope yourself

  5.  That's what I have been trying to say to ruin leadership, but I guess they just don't get it, instead it's only OP, Rage, Apex and IV trying to do it, but it gets hard when SK+fallen and Ruin still ally with CD for some reason, it's a pure community, not a pure community+ that main clan. I wish the Ruin ranks could get past their egos and actually do something to help the community.

     Olympus and rage had a rivalry, but we squashed it until something happens about CDs mains. But the ruin ranks have such a big ego and aren't mentally able to keep a conversation with a rank of the clan that they once rivaled. This isn't a war against CD this is a war against the mains that they bring, they openly do it too, making sharkbrew accounts with said names of their rune tank accounts.

     Also, I'm sure that if rage/olympus stopped bringing mains CD would not, seeing as they brang mains while we were only bringing adamant, at first their excuse was " you bring addy we bring rune " Sounds like a grand idea, for one alliance to stop bringing mains and wait a trip, to see if cd stops with the mains, but I doubt they would seeing as they accounts "lithuanianz1-4" are rune tanks with 90 defence made for the sole purpose of going out with cd to camp our callers.


    Thanks for your input btw






    You're damn right you'll be camped if you talk smack about CD members.

    You're a main too, I see other mains around 90-100 on rage/op side every time.


    It hurts my feelings but I have to bring army of mains too. If I see rune on your side you're damn right I'll bring Lithuanian army.

    20 more in the making, all 90 def.

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