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Kurt Angle

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Posts posted by Kurt Angle

  1. At least you've provoked a discussion. That's more than I've seen on these 'community' forums for the past few years. 


    01:33 slushpuppy: it's a pure community site

    01:33 slushpuppy: the sole purpose is to flame other clans there

  2. You seem unfamiliar with the a concept of runescape clan (which is understandable because you seem rather dull).  Runescape clans, since they are not physical entities, are almost entirely symbolic.  A clan is its brand.  The value judgements made about pixels swirling around (read: warring) is symbolic.  If two clans fought, and were not aware each was fighting another clan, it would be ephemeral in the context of the clanning community.  This is why when two members from opposing clans fight 1v1 in single combat the value the clanning community ascribes to their constituencies is not at play.  It is only when we apply this symbolic unity, a clan, that anything of a higher order can occur. 

    When Intense Redemption was internally betrayed by Enigma it set off an factional struggle within our clan.  This internal struggle lead to us reconquering lost territory and claiming, by right of conquest, all that would have been rightfully ours if our traitors had not deserted us.  When Enigma was closed by us, and its constituencies returned to us, we inherited all forms of value they accrued.  The most valuable asset they had was in the symbolic realm and we acted accordingly by assimilating their logo of desertion as a flag of victory.


    It not only shows a lack of creativity, when a foreign clan tries to assume the most important elements of other clans, but also a lack of respect for past clan conflicts.  If clans knew the first thing about propaganda development or public relations they would engage more carefully.  Seeing as this forum is full of 13-year-olds, we doubt these impressions will take root. 

    I think you could've said that in one sentence.


    While some stuff you say may make sense, at the end of the day Enigma and Intense Redemption are dead and their properties are not owned by anyone, nor are they copyrighted therefore free use is allowed on the internet. That's what Kurt angle understands from this mess.

  3. 5_logov3.png


    What is your real life name?


    What are your hobbies?

    Wrestling, acting, and I used to do MMA.

    What is your RuneScape history?

    Well, I joined RuneScape after I retired from the WWE and went to TNA. I was content with my extra freetime and truly enjoyed maxing my account out.

    What are your goals for your RuneScape account?

    I just honestly want to kill everyone since nobody can fight me.

    What clan are you in?


    Anything else:

    EOP, FOE, CP all suck. I won a gold medal with a broken freaking neck.

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