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Everything posted by WhiteMonkey

  1. https://clan-fi.org/topic/68256-killing-misfits-in-5-seconds-lmao/lmfao
  2. only one had server isssues "moron" we had the same amount of dc's lmao
  3. Im couck now? Anyways how are we losing we just smoked u in 5 seconds 2 minutes ago lmfao.. also whats desperate about wanting a prep u weiro ?lmfao
  4. u blame 3 losses in a row on different days on bad servers..?
  5. Triggered LMFAO and yep doom closed indeed (ur clan)
  6. btw ur clan (doom) is dead cus u were a rank LOL
  7. yeah ur on a lvl 100 and had other 100s vs lvl 80s gj https://gyazo.com/6ae854e3ef1ff57f3c22a0bdf5fefea5
  8. Hey guy who cant mini on a normal account because he would get banged
  9. Not really? idk if u were on ur brown sticky stuffty trip sunday but u got destroyed
  10. yeah cus that was a legit fullout..? And closed what lmao supremacy is pulling 15s and losing EVERY prep keep sucking their dick random
  11. Well i didn't..? i was there and knew what happened so just skipped through it moron.
  12. uhm pretty sure we just killed u 3x in a row in preps
  13. ..? you just canceled all ur preps because @@Droopy and friends got u so scared i wouldn't talk right now lmfao
  14. what lmfao??? do u want to prep right now little bitch LOL ? be carefull 3at gonna yell at you again to not flame better clans.
  15. lmao @@Lee this guy blames 3 prep losses in a row due to laggy servers L O L.
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