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Posts posted by Austin

  1. I had to play on my alt net all trip because my main net was getting hit, our forums have been down past few days after Barragekyle threatened us, and last prep 5-8 guys hit off every round, and you think I'm gonna give you a clan wars fight?



    I'll continue to bully your clan into the lobby every week, and there's nothing you can do about it.

    whatever excuse u have to make up to help u sleep at night... we have a couple people go offline each time we have prepped u as well, but our quality prevails where the only thing u have is numbers in your rock crab recruits

  2. If you were a halfway decent caller you wouldn't sit inbetween 3 clans claiming "they're teaming" while you die from all angles lmfao.


    That's how the wilderness works. I know you're a clan wars leaders, but the wilderness is clusters.

    If you were a halfway decent caller you wouldn't need addy/mains on weekends nor go on 10 prep loss streaks in clw, but hey... u got it man!

  3. Doom is upset they had to fight "down 1" - I presume this same person left the cc first round? 1 opt isnt that significant in a 40v40


    not my fault you have members who want to sabotage you


    I can show you server logs of us having 1-2 people going offline each round, so in reality the fight was even if not in your favor.


    We outpulled you, forcing you to play all your low levels.. which would be no issue if you had consistent quality throughout 


    I understand we took something that you held dear for a long time, but I dont understand why everyone is so upset


    its a game.. there has to be a winner and a loser



  4. like we said ddos to compete dw now we know all the people's ip's you have so we can get them to change it before our friday prep.


    plz prove to me all these people that got hit off... I can whine that we dropped a couple as well, but you wouldnt believe me


    we actually didnt ddos anyone - we dont need that brown sticky stuff to beat u


    u only spammed it round 3 as well, so we had already the won prep fairly

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