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Posts posted by willsb

  1. On 2/18/2018 at 6:31 PM, Brap said:

    Imagine leaving 400m on an account when someones just doing a fire cape.


    21 hours ago, 1defkid said:

    thats why you come to MEWHO|VOUCHED FIRECAPER for services btw lmao, too many snakes around these days. also, get a fking bank pin if u have 400m hanging around???


    All of my accounts have above 43 prayer you goofs, no services were involved lol

  2. 7 minutes ago, Colly said:

    Well to start, I'm sorry this happened.  However, to be clear, we hadn't seen or heard from you in not only weeks, but months.  You also gave no indication you were focusing on school and just disappeared.  Since you were in Apex, you should know Nox and how he doesn't sugarcoat anything.  This matter is between you and Siege, not a community forums lol.  Good luck to you in life, sir

    Now theres one of the chill apex members I remember! Classy as always Colly. Unlike N Ranges l0l


    Thank you for a nice, reasonable response, i genuinely appreciate it.  You are absolutely correct, I did not inform you guys properly as I should have.  I kept Siege updated the whole time, Apex was my first time clanning so I guess I didn't realize the importance of announcing inactivity.  Sorry about that.  For whatever reason I guess I thought he would keep you guys updated but evidently that was not a good plan.  I know nox doesn't sugarcoat anything.  However, 0 replies over two months, and then deliberately claiming I wasn't a member (while revoking my member status on both forums and teamspeak at the same exact time) is pretty fucking cauliflower.  He didn't "not sugarcoat it", he handled that absolutely horribly.  I know I didnt' contact you guys and properly inform you of it, But in one of my screenshots above I mentioned how stoked I was to come back.  I WAS a member when it all happened.

    I agree this is between Siege and I.  I will post some update pictures in a moment to give him a bit of credit, if he holds up his end.  

    The reason for this post was not specifically Siege.  It was more at the leadership of apex, expressing my disappointment and sharing my story.  

    Colly, you are absolutely not a part of the leadership I'm pointing this towards, and I appreciate how you've replied.  

    On the topic of siege, he read this and pmed me for the second time since december.  He has been saying he'll buy some gold and get it to my lowbie for a while now, but never replying in game.  I'm not going to get into it as you said, its between us, but I'll be updating whether or not he follows through on that.


    If he follows through with that, despite only speaking to us twice since december, that's the best case scenario i could ask for, and thats still with me -2/300m . I'm alright with that.

  3. My intention of this post entirely is NOT to try and get my money back.   If any money was restored, I'd only want my lowbie buddy to get his back, because he went from ~250m bank to ~40.  Obviously, that's not going to happen.  I'm simply posting this as I have gotten no other responses across any other medium from any ranks of apex or nox.  So I'd just like to share my situation with the rest of the pure community, give you some insight on the leadership of Apex that I atleast used to think was pretty damn good


    *edit: I'd also like to point out that after he ran off with the money and assured us "his neighbor went in his house while he was drunk and logged into my friends account (cause his neighbor that has never been mentioned in 8 months definitely knew my buddies account info from him)" and that his next payday, feb 15th, he'd "rwt to get dan (my lowbie) his gold back." Obviously, thats not happening for a reason

  4. 1 minute ago, Public Relations Boar said:

    This is how it went.


    1. Scammer logged in your account for the fun, and checked the bank. While you were inactive for 3-4 weeks. 

    2. He saw the fat 400m stack and decided to steal it, because you were just a member not a high rank.

    3. He told Nox before hand he is going to steal it, because you were inactive and Nox agreed.

    4. After he stole the money, they immidiately guested you on forums and told you, you were not a member.

    5. They splitted 200m each.



    Actually, Nope!OMZf7T3.png


    I was friends with him before He applied to Misfits, before he rolled with misfits, I helped him get into Apex and then I followed him into Apex myself, Legitimately joining the clan, not that thats recognized now though

  5. 7 hours ago, Shadows said:

    That sucks man. This needs to be reviewed again by Apex ranks. Tbh though, this is more of a inner clan thing. Would have been best to try and resolve it with your ranks privately, even if you claim Nox doesn't care (although I do not believe he wouldn't care about something like this). I believe that making these inner clan scammings public on Sharkbrew will hurt the credibility of your clan.

    I am not really 100% sure how he had access to 400m gp, but I wouldn't recommend trusting too many people with this amount of GP. You should have been more careful with who had access to it.

    I messaged Nox over TS pokes and pms many times in between when it happened (dec 18th?) and now.  Tired of getting 0 response, I mentioned it in the cc once or twice, kicked but not banned both times.

    From the time I joined the clan to when I had to take time off RS for saving my grades in college for the semester, I was not active nor online.  I never once mentioned I had quit or left the clan.  In some of my screenshots you can see I was eager to return and get back into it, actually.

    I believe Nox is just seeing that and saying "Nope you were inactive ur ded to us now l0l".  After returning from my break, the money leaving the immediate day before i returned, I mentioned it to nox and poked several high ranks in TS.  0 responses.  At that point I needed to start earning money again, so I cleaned off the bank of my Pure and my Zerker to get more pvm gear back to get my cash back up.  This lead to me not immediately returning to clanning.  This was reinforced by them not giving a single fuck about any of it lol.

    He had access to said GP because:

    Think of your closest buddies that you play with. You swap items with them and brown sticky stuff right? No problem lending them brown sticky stuff.  Over the course of like eight months He and I have lent each other plenty of brown sticky stuff,  he lent me an Ely (though it was not his at the time l0l) to fuck around at bandos once, and ancestral/arma (also not his, borrowed from our other close buddy but he traded it to me)

    Everyone has people like these, those closer people you trust on the game that you dont mind lending stuff too.  

    Honestly, I think he ran into some debt or some brown sticky stuff IRL and had to fuck his friends over to stay afloat, thats my assumption.

    Or, of course, hes just a dick.

    Either way: when he got the money, he had an ACB borrowed from me,  and I had lent my one of my long time irl best friends Kodai/Arcane/some other mage gear to go burst 94 mage.  

    This friend paid our other buddy (Siege/Leaving her/connorthescrawnyawkwardlookingcanadian) some money to do the bursting as he wasn't doing it very efficiently, wasting some money



    Around the time he left with the money,  one of our buddies in the group said he had asked him for a torture that morning, and another said he also just paid him money to get him barrows gloves


    Call us naive and whatnot, but I had lent him more money than he left with in the past... Like he could have done that way earlier with more loot lol.. 90% of you have this type of situation with your friends, they just havent ended up being Snakes like Nox/Siege and apparently the ranks of apex, who i used to think were super chill.


    inb4 made fun of for actually detailing the situation l0l

  6. 1 minute ago, Simpler said:

    It sucks that you lost that much gp you need to becareful who you trust and who you give access to your acc or material items.

    Thank you for sharing this on here so people are aware but unfortunately there's not much we can do about it, hopefully the issue can be sorted.

    The gp lost was less than half my bank.  I am still sitting over 500m, my lowbie buddy is the real victim here, he lost 90% of his bank.  I'm literally only posting this so some other pures can see Apex has some fucking snakes in it.  I really respected them, loved my time in the clan, but how they're handling this is just pathetic lol

  7. 11 minutes ago, Satans said:

    "to be fair, i dont care he scammed you, you arent in this clan lol"


    43 minutes ago, Kryk said:

    nox literally said ''you arent in this clan". being in their ts doesnt automatically make you a member btw just sayin :/


    1 hour ago, N Ranges said:

    lmfao you wern't even a clanmate irreleveant clan friend pussy boy get back to bh pking by yourself bitch dont cry on a site where no one gives a single fuck about your ugly deformed head peasant 



    v replies from nox/ranks after i intro'd and applied. Strangely enough, my app post isnt in my history, i wonder where that went huh nox?


    So wait, what? I wasn't in your clan?




    Oh fucking really? loooooooooool

  8. 6 hours ago, slushpuppeh said:

    @willsb always go for trusted service providers. And never leave more than $ required on the acc irregardless whoever has access.


    No services involved. he was in our super tight knit group of buddies that we all played together any time were on.  Pvp/Pvm whatever it was.  If hes gonna scam his closest friends on the game for 4-500m, you can bet your ass hes not going to even remotely loyal/a good clan member in the end in apex or wherever the fuck he ends up.

  9. 3 hours ago, willsb said:

    I don't give a brown sticky stuff as its literally just gp, but I'd like to get the word out that the leader of Apex doesn't give two brown sticky stuffs about his clan members.  Also, don't trust SLEGE of apex :)

    @Brock_Lesnar ^


    Was definitely in apex when it happened, but i had to take a break for school.  So Nox, I was indeed in your clan, but I don't think you care at all about your members... What a great clan leader1DViqjQ.png


    definitely a part of the clan at the time...

  10. Hey there friends, So a long time buddy of ours, currently SLEGE in APEX scammed my friend and I out of a bit over 400m.  I was in clan Apex at the time, but I hadn't been active for a few weeks, I was struggling in college and quit osrs entirely for a bit to try and salvage the semester.  The day I finished school and got back into rs, SLEGE  (formerly Leaving Her, Siege Engine, Food Stamp, Bip0lar mf, Get Thouth) ran off with quite a bit of our money.  I've talked to Rancher Nox about this many times, he does not give a single fuck about members of his clan scamming another clan member.  I have below some random screenshots, Proving I was in APEX, showing Nox's stance on the issue, or just proving i'm not making this up, we were good friends for a long time.  We definitely aren't getting our money back, and I don't give a brown sticky stuff as its literally just gp, but I'd like to get the word out that the leader of Apex doesn't give two brown sticky stuffs about his clan members.  Also, don't trust SLEGE of apex :)


    Just met slege and the friend he claimed "stole the money from his account while he was drunk" in edge, they danced and waved at me, good times :D



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