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  1. fanks guyz yeah maynnnnnn. whaddup sliq, yeah ub looks pretty bowsy for LPC
  2. i have 2 acc's cmb 70 and cmb 50. Both pures. I used to be in IV, collision, terror. I was about to join rage but they just closed apparently!? I'm only f2p and want the most active f2p clans, midweek and weekend. Can anyone give me an unbiased view of who is most active? Obviously I wanna join the best clans possible but i want as much action as possible. So i don't want a clan that comes out once a week and wins a few wars in the wildy after hiding for 2 hours sucking each others dick in a random single spot waiting for the right time to crash another fight, idgaf about that. peaceee edit: what the fuck happened IV??
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