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Posts posted by `Fly

  1. @@Moni

    You are still restricting combat caps because it is an even opts fight.


    There is your answer.


    Back when there was no combat cap or opts limit people really had no idea what the other combats or opts would be, we did not give a fuck I guess.


    However down the road +2/-2 opts was made, still the other clan would have no idea what the cbs would be.(ranging from 40-100)


    Today the combat cap has evolved into this as a kind of double edged sword to make things more fair.


    Good day.

  2. tfw you get baited by a dude named fly by pker whos claiming teamspeak makes clan fights less skilled




    Look use teamspeak for all I care. I just really do think you could be having so much more fun without it.


    I'm still talking for WARS ONLY since this sole point seems to fly past peoples heads.

  3. nearly every single action ingame takes .6 seconds to complete barring lag and for some reason you think a staple in team communication and organization seen globally in any competitive setting is a bad thing


    u ok


    What I don't get is you say it takes .6 sec to do an action. This action is not synced with the entire clan at once and the only reason it is..well you already know.


    I get it you HAVE to use teamspeak to stand a chance against those that do, that's the problem.

  4. mfw im on the internet arguing with a guy who thinks that his deaf white apron clan was the pinnacle of 1 defence warring


    I will just summarize this entire topic.



    My unfair(fair?) advantage is now completely useless because now we have tech that just auto finds the pile for you wtf!! 


    Thats it.

  5. you're fuming about teamspeak 9 years after its been in use when it adds more skill and complexity to warring than it takes away. must suck to be deaf


    Jesus christ more skill and complexity. I thought I was the deaf one.


    I stopped pure clanning in nov/dec 2009. Teamspeak/Vent was not being used for wars by any clan.

  6. nice points but the phrase "cwa fight is 50% luck anyways" is completely ridiculous lol


    The week long preps(full outs in disguise) that happen are probably 50% luck.


    All the little mid weeks are 100% luck guaranteed you can't deny it.

  7. It gives advantages over other clients but since it is free to all clans, not a private client anymore, you cannot blame people for using it. Trust issue is your own concern.


    Nearly half of SV using the client. Do you see us win every fight in cwa? No. Most people dont even know how to fully utilize the client. It helps with clanning but wont make you better. If you are brown sticky stuff at the game a client wont make a difference.


    A cwa fight is 50% luck anyways. All the hits are still randomly generated. Just get over the loss.



    A clanwars fight back in the day was 100% skill. (ok maybe like 80%)


    With the introduction of "methods" to help people win (I think we all know what I am talking about) it became 100% luck, not 50%.

  8. From a guy who pretty much had no respect for the lpc/mpc scene until recently, I can say that now that I've sorta involved myself in it, the lpc scene is much much better. I've seen a large number of people throughout the scene who have never really clanned before and seen that the midweek activity is far more active than that of the hpc scene. Although I'm personally only interested in preps/minis with the occasional weekend trip nowadays, it's sorta crazy seeing the midweek pking activity and seeing these new guys lose their clanning virginity. It actually gives me hope for the future of pure clanning -- hope that the hpc scene did not give me


    It has always been this way. HPC is a dead end that only encourages getting more defense because that's all you can fucking do.

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