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Everything posted by `Fly

  1. Lol cv, and even more lol dr for teaming with them.
  2. I'm gonna just use my own judgement and say you probabaly have a 40 man memberlist, probabaly more like 35 but ill give u a little credit. Now lets say 30/40 made it to your trip, probabaly more like 25 but you get where i'm going with this. You say you peaked at 42 ur last trip, so you can do the math.
  3. When you go from pulling 15 to a prep to 40 on the weekend, id say you have more.
  4. No1 will fight you zu because you bring 15+ invs. How is bringing invites not a legitimate excuse? You actually try and say multi clanners is ok now that you have 20+ to make your pull go from 15-35 but when supremacy USED to do it back in the day all you would do is cry non stop. Bringing invites is the stupidest thing you could do to your already joke of a clan.
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