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Posts posted by `Fly

  1. Oh man, I cannot believe you just said that LOL. You are using a computer, with the Internet, in a home that is heated on an electronic grid system probably with a TV plugged in, with Sky or a different satellite channel, when you go out to do your shopping in your car, which uses petrol or electricity and use your card to check out at the till and then go home and unwrap a shrink wrapped pizza or warm up a meal in the microwave you are using scientific inventions of the last 150 years. Please never, ever say that the biggest thing science gave us was the bomb. It makes you look cauliflower. Legit reminded me of the "what have the Romans ever done for us scene" in monty python's life or Brian


    Nowhere did I say that science has only destroyed humanity and given us nothing. The examples you have given are all things that have made us lazy as brown sticky stuff and not smarter or better people. The a-bomb was just the first thing that popped into my head. You seem to think that science is all you need in life.

  2. Science is a good thing sure but science won't make us smarter or give us bigger brains, science will just explain things we never needed to know in the first place to succeed in life. Oh cool there is a law on motion! Pretty sure we know we move so...yea haha.


    I think the biggest thing science gave us was atom bombs, and let's just say that's not really gonna save the world. Fear of death and not having faith plays a big role in how science works.

  3. I reject the statement of the need for these laws. The laws exist to better understand and explain in greater detail, the universe in which we live. Faith is taking as red that the universe will exist in the same state that it is now, tomorrow. Science, leaves the possibility of change.


    How can science change things when science determines what is constant and won't change?


    But yes you are correct with the above statement. See why trying to understand the universe is so dumb? haha

  4. Nono, faith is blind. Faith is taking something as true, with no evidence. That isn't what The scientific method advocates. More often times than not scientists have trouble fitting laws to their observational data, to establish models for phenomena that exist by implication or observtion. The including of implication is a reference to things that cannot be seen, but only implied. The existance of the Higgs boson, for example.

    Science is precisely the opposite to faith because it requires evidence beyond doubt, where faith requires doubt to establish a flimsy paradigm of "truth".


    Ok, well we see faith as different things in our own mind. Which is cool I'm really not trying to bash in beliefs here.

  5. Without faith, then, what do you have?

    Answer: The realisation that everything in life does not simply work itself out the way it "should" be.

    This simple premace makes it necessary to work, to strive to understand and better yourself. That is true selfishness, however the results of this selfishness can often be used for very unselfish ends. Newton was an arrogant and bombastic man. He was hard to work with and very temperamental, however his laws have been used for 300 years to better understand the universe in which we live and to advance mankind. I doubt, sincerely that he simply sat back and presumed the laws he worked out would write themselves.


    If you need laws to tell you how life works that is pretty much the same thing as religion is it not?

  6. If you really think that this universe is incomprehensible then you are thoroughly deluded. Again, the cop out that most religionists tout, comes to the fore in your assessment of the universe; that it is simply too large to understand. This is patently untrue. In 1687 Isaac Newton published Principia Mathematica. In this document was included his first two laws of motion, from which the basics of modern mechanics are built on. These laws were found to hold true anywhere in the universe, apart from at a sub-atomic level, where quantum mechanics comes into play, and at an event horizon, where the known laws of physics do not seem to apply. You are [bold]atleast[/bold] 300 years behind modernity if you still think the universe cannot be explained my mathematics, physics and philosophy.


    Than your faith is built into science, I'm not religious. 

  7. We are faith hard-wired beings from the beginning of mankind because our brains cannot even begin to comprehend how the world around us was made. If you believe it to be true it will be true. There are not "universal laws of logic" when it comes to this kind of stuff.


    People need to have faith, in the end religion and atheism are two sides of the same coin trying to make sense of something we will never make sense of.


    @@Geno There is a difference between having faith that everything will work out and having faith that your religion is gonna work everything out "if you go do this" Having faith goes beyond religion in itself.

  8. LOL Thanks for the heads up!


    Lol np. Forreal though you need to just get involved with a clan and have fun with friends, trying to be a knight in shining armor is just not gonna work out well for you on this site. Flaming around here is the "norm" so might wanna get used to it.

  9. I'm loving the fact that if somebody doesn't agree with your statements on this topic (or anywhere on this site) they turn to personally attacking people to try and discredit anything they're saying about it instead of posting anything relevant to the discussion and disputing the claim they are against (proving that claim is correct). Is this a new type of warfare here? I feel like 75% of the rivalries here are dished out on these forums instead of in game where they should be. Quite a problem honestly.


    Are you new? lmfao

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