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  1. Poggers
    bro reacted to Tyendinaga in Apex, LEGENDS of P2P?   
    The last truly noteworthy displays of skill streak wise were FOE P2P 2015 and TLP F2P 2016, FOE/TLP P2P Fullout likely being the most talented event in terms of overall clan/player skill since then. It's worth mentioning that FOE's winning that was for the long run good for clanning as their staying open depended upon winning that fight.
    FOE are the last legacy clan open that haven't completely ruined their legacy though they've done a pretty good job at it, most of their ranks and decision making have caved the overall skill of the clan to a point where Apex have been able to beat them over and over and over, WHICH no other clan has done in 2 something years, like it or not, there's no other clan still open that is capable of being the standard for being 'decent' in either server, skill wise. 
    Apex work ethic is not something I have witnessed in the other clans I was a part of, and while they aren't as skilled in some fronts the grind that the members have put in to get them where they were, and are, in P2P is incredible. You can't take that away from them, nor can you take away that going 5 straight against FOE in their own house is not something that has happened in literal years(as in, never on OSRS ) and is unlikely to happen again given current clans rank structures and attitudes. They deserved it, got what they earned, and will continue to do so. 
    Also lol at people commenting on the fullout as if Apex ever had greater than a 25% chance of winning, I hope you and the rest of the community enjoyed riding bench while I decided to have a 100v100 for the sake of it... It's a game. Have some fun while you're growing a spine, will you? 
    Is Apex currently worthy of Legend Status: No
    Is Apex P2P the most relevant skillwise in recent history: Yes 
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