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Everything posted by Marooka1990

  1. Yeah I'll probably just train up thanks everyone for the replies though appreciate it :)!
  2. As I said I'm thinking about that just didn't want to commit just yet.
  3. Hey there, long story shorty, I'm currently looking to join a low level pk clan preferably P2P. Before I go into my stats I'll give you all a brief introduction of who I am and why I want to join a clan, I'm 28 years old and I'm from Scotland I've played Runescape for a good while so I'm somewhat experienced but I've only really just began to get into the pking side of things so I decided to try my hand and I made a pure account, so far I've been enjoying a bit of solo pking but ofc I've been handled a few times by clans (esp if I go to revs haha) which brings me to why I want to join a clan, well basically I'm sick of getting handled and well let's be honest every game ever is much more fun with friends. So yeah that's all I got on myself really so I'll list my current stats below. My stats right now are : Combat Level - 50 Hp - 63 Att - 40 Str - 61 Def - 1 Rng - 71 Mgc - 56 Pry - 1 I'm gonna be leveling up more but as safety I've kinda kept attack at 40 right now but thinking of going 50 for g maul or 60 for dragon also thinking about getting the protection prayers too but yeah if anyone's got a place for me please give me a shout :)!
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