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  1. Regarding 1 Defense/LPC scene topic made by Yaz + Issues with main clans in our scene. ^^^ old topic ^^^ Read over Taz”s topic “not that angry rage kids” and overall the idea is good at this time, but the execution is terrible if his plans are to hope a pure community is just going to open and work out. The Pure scene goes through a “cleanse” every 2-4 years or so.. Uhh History time ft.0wl 2008 March — 1st PCL ever starts so everyone in the scene gets 20def for CLW 2010—Pvp pking comes so ppl make 1defs again for pking. 2012 — EOC - Jagex introduces EOC 2016 —- new Era - only Hpc pure clans left are EOP/FOE/FI/TLP all pulling 50- using mains 39def pures... they move down make new pures to fight “Lpc” Doom/Sv/Cd/OP/apex/EV/AAO/FS etc.. This is why your clan might be called a “LPC” your from that era ^^^ ———————————————- And Today.... September/2021 It’s no secret Main clans are invested in the Pure scene more then ever. For many reasons, Lack of action for them? Zybes being removed caused lack of advertising years ago, beef with past Pure clanning ranks have resulted in rivalry’s between both scenes. It’s easy to close a pure clan if your a main clan but what makes it worth your time is if you can make that pure clans members make mains that will eventually become part of your scene and maybe even your clan. ———————————————————— Why I don’t like @Yaz’s plan... You have to HOPE your scene works... you have to HOPE the clans that are saying there opening are going to actually open. Then be open for months and HOPE they remain stable. Why??? That’s your leverage. What made Fi/foe clans like that want to tell there members to make new accounts and GRIND new pures? Because History repeats itself 99% of the time and they knew the activity they had was limited unlike the “LPC” scene. ———————————————— “2017” Clans like.... Doom/Sv/Cd/OP/apex/EV/AAO/FS/Ub/Ru etc.. All had an active scene f2p and p2p preps and all pulled 40+ Myself Remy and Hormone used to post status updates on this site as Doom ranks right after HPC trips saying “Time for the real Pure clanning trips to start” etc. The scene would rather show up for 15 good “LPC” clans rather then a 4-6 addy armor clan community. And sorry but FI pulled the lowest and had the least amount of addy at this time. So when they moved down so did big brother EOP then FOE Etc. Fi/Sup had more opportunity in a 1 def scene rather then fighting Foe/Eop mains 2017 Hpc scene - 5clans 2017 Lpc scene - 15+clans ———————————— So its no wonder why clans switched scenes the last time, mains where just as bad and used by HPC”s. But unlike last time we still have 10+ clans in our hpc scene and not even a xlpc scene yet. ———————————————— Cool story 0wl but wtf we do... ??The Solution? ? It’s simple but it isn’t. Any Pure clan trying to open/Reopen should strive to stay under 90-95CMB !! “91 is 20Def.” 1def-20def should be up to the clan, —>Combat is what matters.<— Maxed 75atk /52pray 1def = 88cb Maxed 60atk /52pray 1def= 82cb Maxed 50Atk /52pray 1def= 78cb Maxed 75atk /52pray 20def = 91cmb ———————————- Uhh 0wl.. HOW WILL THIS STOP MAINS??? Nothing will stop mains from being apart of Pure clanning it’s just apart of it. But you can take steps to make main clans not effective as they are today. ——————————— Bottem line to all this is that if Clans wanna hunt you/snipe you bad enough they will make accounts and will try to “ruin your trip”. ———————————— Ask yourself this.. Would you rather get attacked by a lvl 90combat sniper account with 60 def 90range 44pray 85Hp -f2p Or.... Maxed meds + maxed mains with 99def and all the weapons you do....-f2p If you have ever been a Caller in the pure scene you know the difference between being sniped by a legit tank and Main is far worse then some botted up lvl 90 that’s f2p based. ————————————- Level 20 Wildy or less There’s no reason when we are all in the 75-90 combat bracket to go past level 20+ wildy. A huge reason mains had to make low level tanks is because pures stay there same level and near ditch /bandits /Corp and on PVP worlds it’s harder for mains. ————————————————- Fire Blast unit For every 8 Pures you pull have someone with Fireblast. 40 pull = 5 Fire blasters. Pures always pull more then mains, On average 10-15 mains f2p will try and snipe your clan at that point you need to just clear them and keep moving with your PK trips. Because any fight with a pure clan + mains = a lose for you. ——————————————————— Come together + Don’t Split the Pure scene or make a xlpc. Instead of making a whole new Pure scene in F2P only to be slowly leveling/waiting for more clans to open... The best thing to do Is look at Jumpstreet for an example on how to open a pure clan right now. Make a clan mostly 1defs and Low combats and fight the other HPC clans that pull low or have a lot of 1 defs also. No reason a 1 def clan of lvl 88s can’t open up and pull 35+ and clear any of you pulling 25 on your 20def MithLords. Remember they don’t have to fully clear you in the wildy ...clans like jump Street can just rush you at 20-wildy and kill every member of your clan that’s under 100 combat, while your 107‘s are getting killed by mains. ^eventually ranks will get tired of that^ and make lower combat accounts just so mains don’t hit them. Clans like JS/Hydra/horror/Sup/FS can fight low opts and get PURE CLEAN action all while you clans with 107s and meds are in a rune war just across the map. Pure clanning is better off when we can compromise and agree to ally when Main clans corrupt our scene.... Almost impossible these days to get rival clans to talk/help each other.... If you can learn to off each other and kill mains when they crash. It will get mains out of the scene way faster. I know when Rev crashed foe/Z fights in 2020 we offed each other cleared REV and then resumed the fight. ———————————— My last advice on Pures vs Mains.. Honestly a lot of pointless rivalry’s get started on this game, I suggest you just bend the knee sometimes and not take it personally if you get attacked by a main clan. At the end of the day they are clans with members who are looking for action as well. ———-————————————— Thanks if you read this wall of Text 0wl/Logan Zenith-rs.com if you find this interesting because we do coming soon....
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