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declaring on shit hydra/sv invites

Big zuck

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  1. You are representing your clan in an official capacity and have the authority to arrange preps/fullouts
  2. ZUCKY
  3. Accept by august 20th
  4. august 26th, 2023 P2P
  5. Standard prep rule apply to all fights:
    1. 50v50
    2. 1 def gear matched 3 rounds 2 out of 3 wins
    3. Banned items
      Ancient godsword
      Korasi (voidwaker)
      Nightmare staff
      No mith seeds
      No gmaul
      No venom
      No spears
    4. No invites any invites results in a forfeit  

      august26th, 2023 3:30PM EST Start Time P2P
    5. (or pm any BP rank to set up a time)

      lets stop the talking and get this done with we can even wager on it if yall want if we win hydra kicks sv if you win ill leave bp. We both pull 50 on sundays and got almost a month to prep up to this any invites will result in DQ if theres any rules you want added etc we can talk about it . Dont be a pussy 18 give the scene what they want accept if you even got the rank to do that.Also i did wildy gear plus 1 because i figured not all your members have maxed prep gear anyone caught in a pov with two plus 1s will result in a DQ. ACCEPT PUSSY
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