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Get A Bind

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    Get A Bind

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  1. first off vendetta doesnt hack or ddos thats all cp we had nothing to do with that. we think hacking and ddosing people over a game is just pathetic and broccolied. so just thought i would let u know.
  2. lol im done nemebrown sticky stuff is a last resort clan.
  3. What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I | have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with | precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words-chesty puller battlescape quotes.
  4. in b4 their forums gets hacked.....
  5. pretty sure you said we were pathetic for kicking him.. let me get some quotes going. "VERY immoral of them to do something like this and just shows how pathetic some people are."
  6. kids a broccoli legit he doesnt make any sense tbh. he called us pathetic because we kicked a kid trying to hack our site out of the clan. now think about what you said chesty is someone was trying to hack your clan site would you let him do it or kick him out. respond when you get some common sense.
  7. you are just making yourself look bad. you are telling us that we should have kept a person trying to hack our site in the clan... im done. also how are u gonna say we dont know what we are talking about when we were the ones who kicked him you werent even their trying to tell us we dont know what we are talking about if you dont know the whole story dont even bother replying get some facts then come talk to me spastic. do you really think lowkey will straight up tell you yeah i got banned because i was trying to hack all of them your are a fucking broccoli legit... common sense can go a far way..
  8. ok first off we are vendetta thats our clan name and how are you gonna try and defend someone that just tried to hack almost all the pures in the pure community. i dont understand how keeping our members safe make us pathetic? so basically you are saying we should have kept him in vendetta so he can hack us all? your broccolied tbh.
  9. lol toxics open shirt doe how much you wanna bet he has his belly button and tongue pierced looking feminine ad hell. Kid does as much as editing on his pic as them 13 year olds on instagram lol.
  10. Okay so this is the scoop hittin was the one who did the hacking. parm and lowkey jotted down all the info of all the accounts on all the sites and passed it on to hittin even their on cp members what leaders they are..... The leaders of Vendetta caught along with it took away lowkeys acp on the site and kicked him. Lowkey got mad because he didnt have enough time to get it all. and because of it parm didnt let him in on cp. Vendetta knew that they were trying to hack people in our clan but didnt think they were going this big. we have images http://gyazo.com/ead89be02f54e409a5c8248b403182b0 http://gyazo.com/4f43f7c38e0dcad10ba04253d9ec7aa2 those are images of lowkey trying to snake our members into doing brown sticky stuff they dont want to.... lowkey,hittin,toxic,and parm do not trust any of these people they are snakes and will hack you if they get the chance.
  11. Didnt mention the #revolution? how they lost about 30 members cause they did that. power hungry pricks.
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