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Status Updates posted by Punk

  1. Fo lost another prep and has resorted to anything to take the attention away from losing every prep the last weeks 😂😂

  2. Fo will shortly end their CLW adventures as they cannot handle looking at the Defeat screen @Proccy

  3. took proccy 4 weeks to post on sharkbrew & all you did was showcase how shit your clan did this weekend try harder next weekend

    1. Proccy


      notice how you read the topic but didnt reply... did i leave you with nothing to say 😂

    2. Punk


      You have false hype off hiring some mains gz, p2p you got wiped 

  4. Has anyone seen where fo's f2p aftermath went???

  5. @ProccyAfter a week of trying to bust Fatality's balls, you took the load on your chin yesterday and avoiding at all costs . btw you lost!!

  6. @zenith hq 
    Can anyone riddle me this ? Is it normal for a clan to boast about having 170, then end with 90? thats 80 .. thats a lot of people who left your trip ! 

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